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ALX Resources Corp. samples 17.7 G/T at Vixen Gold Project, Red Lake

Oct 29, 2020

ALX Resources Corp. is pleased to announce receipt of the first analytical results from an October 2020 prospecting and sampling program at its 100%-owned Vixen Gold Project located in the Red Lake Mining District. Vixen consists of three sub-projects totaling 10,069 hectares (24,880 acres) staked within the Birch-Uchi greenstone belt and is located approximately 60 kilometres (37 miles) east of Red Lake, Ontario. In addition, a high-resolution airborne magnetic and VLF-EM survey was completed during October. 

Highlights of the 2020 Vixen North Phase 2 Exploration Program

ALX's initial 2020 prospecting program was halted by a major forest fire in August 2020. The follow-up Phase 2 program in October 2020 was designed to continue geological mapping and sampling at Vixen within important geological trends that indicate the presence of iron formation-hosted gold occurrences (see ALX news release dated September 9, 2020). An additional 85 samples were taken during mapping work focused on two areas of Vixen North: the Vulpin Zone and the Dickenson Zone.

  • Rock samples collected from outcrop and historical trenches at the Dickenson Zone ranged up to 17.7 grams/tonne gold (0.57 oz/ton gold) within a swarm of quartz veins that ALX crews traced on the ground for over 60 metres. ALX geologists describe the host veins as exhibiting evidence of "…multiple events with numerous openings of the vein system", which would be a prospective setting for mineralizing processes.
  • Mapping at the Vulpin Zone located more evidence of iron formation-style mineralization with samples collected ranging up to 7.21 grams/tonne gold (0.23 oz/ton gold).
  • The Magnetite-Fluorite showing southeast of Vulpin was closely investigated for its possible surface expression of a Springpole-type deposit model where additional outcrop was located yielding several examples of fluorite mineralization. The Springpole gold deposit located approximately 6.0 kilometres to the southeast of Vixen hosts a fluorite occurrence interpreted to be genetic phase of porphyry-hosted gold deposition.
  • The Echo Zone, 1.5 kilometres east of the Vulpin Zone, hosted by a feldspar porphyry is crosscut by a shear zone up to 100 metres wide containing multiple quartz veins up to 1 metre wide. The Echo Zone was traced for over 200 metres - initial samples showed anomalous gold values, with more results pending.
  • A high-resolution helicopter-borne magnetic and VLF-EM survey totaling 475.7 line-kilometres was completed to better define a known 3,000 metre-long high magnetic trend and other important structural trends present at Vixen North. Final data processing is pending.

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Dickenson Zone

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Vulpin Zone

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ALX is currently planning a winter drilling program at Vixen based upon the geochemical and geophysical results received to date, and intends to submit a permit application to the Government of Ontario and consult with local communities in November 2020.

Click here to view maps and photos of the Vixen Gold Project.

About ALX's Exploration at Vixen 

After a successful reconnaissance sampling program at Vixen in late 2019, where ALX collected rock samples ranging up to 23.9 g/t gold (0.765 oz/ton) (see ALX news release and photos dated December 12, 2019), ALX carried out a follow-up helicopter-supported, prospecting and sampling program in early August 2020 (the "Phase 1 2020 Program"). Rock samples collected in 2020 at Vixen North ranged up to 8.41 g/t gold, with two of three samples collected in a newly-recognized mineralized zone located in the central part of the property named the Vulpin Zone returning gold values greater than 1.0 g/t. 

Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Gold / All Articles