ArcPacific hits Massive Sulphide Mineralization at Rickard Gold Project near Timmins

"Drilling continues to demonstrate the robust nature of the mineralizing system present on the Property, exemplified by strong alteration halos surrounding veins which have now shown to contain significant amounts of massive and semi massive to disseminated sulphide and other more discrete minerals," said Adrian Smith CEO of ACP said. "As we continue to unveil drill core, we continue to learn more about the unique structural setting at the Property. This project presents an excellent opportunity in a prolific world-renowned gold belt, within an area that has been significantly underexplored."
ArcPacific Resources says ongoing drilling at the Rickard gold project near Timmins continues to intersect multiple zones of quartz-carbonate veining occurring over (up to) a 90 metre wide section in hole 11 (ACP-R-21-011). The Company has identified additional sulphide minerals including molybdenite occurring in stylolitic bands with graphite and possible tellurides locally associated with smoky to dark quartz similar-to one mineralization style seen at the Macassa mine approximately 70 kilometres to the south (see figures 1, 3 and 4). Additionally hole 12 (ACP-R-2012) cut a section of massive sulphides (see figure 2) individually up to 0.45 metres wide within a wider quartz-carbonate vein and bordered by zones of intense albite-sericite-silica alteration.
- All drill holes cut a wide interval (up to 90 meters overall in hole 11) containing zones of quartz carbonate veining with strong albite-sericite-silica alteration halos.
- Stylolite bands containing molybdenum with possible graphite and local tellurides, present in variable amounts and related to smoky quartz and locally chalcopyrite.
- Mineral assemblages observed in veining at the Rickard appears similar-to the gold bearing assemblage at the Macassa Mine operated by Kirkland Lake Gold approximately 70 kilometers to the south.
- Phase one drilling is currently underway is planned to complete 15 or more drill holes.
Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Gold / All Articles