Thousands of mining and resource-sector stakeholders from around the world who normally spend a week in Timmins the first week in June have an exciting new opportunity to connect, thanks to the veteran trade show experts at Canadian Trade-Ex. Plans for a large-scale Virtual Trade Show by Canadian Trade-Ex in mid-November (2020) are in full swing and it promises to be the largest ever Natural Resource Expo online (VIRTex article pg.12).
Exhibitors are already lining up to participate. The great benefit of a virtual show is unlimited capacity and unlimited attendance which translates into an exponential opportunity to form supplier and purchaser connections.
COVID-19 restrictions forced the postponement of the giant Canadian Mining Expo, commonly known as “THE BIG EVENT”, which was to be held this June 3-4 in Timmins.
The new dates for that live event are now confirmed for June 1-3, 2021.
The Central Canada Resource Expo in Thunder Bay which was supposed to take place this September, and is now scheduled for July 7th - 8th, 2021 at the Canadian Lakehead Exhibition grounds.
Both events are the premiere showcases for northern Ontario’s rich resources and the opportunities that these industries avail the regions.
“Canadian Trade-Ex’s annual flagship Canadian Mining Expo held each year was growing bigger than ever. Last year’s Expo drew participants from 12 countries and more than 5,200 registered delegates, not including the over 1,200 exhibitors and over 500 job seekers,” states Canadian Trade-Ex President, Glenn Dredhart.
“Based on years of hard data, and an immense amount of direct evidence from satisfied stakeholders from around the globe, we are comfortable in stating that the combined economic impact on the Timmins and surrounding economy is in the millions,” adds Dredhart. “It’s even bigger when you factor in the untold number of supplier and purchaser relationships that have formed over the past three decades.” The Canadian Mining Expo is recognized as a must-attend event for Institutional and retail investors, buyers of supplies/services, Indigenous groups and communities, northern municipalities, international delegations looking to learn from and contact manufacturers, educational institutions, and training facilitators.
“We are known as a ‘boots-on-the-ground’ type of show that over the past three decades has been used as a launchpad for dozens of mining companies looking to explore the option of making a move or an investment into Northern Ontario. Timmins is a century-old mining town with a lot to offer.”
This year’s Expos included many new events such as the Ontario Mining Association’s 100th anniversary celebration, Big Event’s First Mining Awards Banquet, the Meet The Purchasers Event, a Reverse Job Fair, the First Nations Partnership Pavilion, Aboriginal Forum which compliments the Partnership Pavilion with a conference, Tech Talks - A Mining Conference and open panel discussion on Mining the Future & Green Mining, the Billions in The Ground Investment Forum - promoting the Junior Mining Industry’s massive potential for investment with Keynote speaker Terry Lynch of Save Canadian Mining, Northern College’s Innovation Hub was to host a tour of their new facility and of course, and a new Jackleg Driller King, Queen and Dignitary would have been crowned for 2020.
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