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Big Gold Intersects Quartz Veining and Mineralization over 200m at Tabor Project in NWO

Feb 3, 2025

Big Gold has announced assay results from its maiden drill program at the Tabor Project, located in the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt (SGB) in Northwestern Ontario. The program drilled 642 metres across multiple targets, focusing on the East Divide Zone, where previous grab sampling returned values up to 11.4 g/t gold (Au) and historical core sampling showed 10.9 g/t Au over 1.46 metres, alongside silver, copper, and zinc mineralization.

Key Findings from the Maiden Drill Program

The drill program tested geophysical anomalies identified in early 2024 using an Induced Polarization (IP) survey. Drill holes were spaced at 100-metre intervals along a 200-metre strike length.

• TB-24-001:

• 0.154 g/t Au over 0.76m from 101m in quartz veining with minor pyrite.

• TB-24-004:

• 0.136 g/t Au over 0.5m from 52m in scattered quartz veinlets within mafic volcanics.

• 0.524 g/t Au over 0.5m from 90m in mineralized quartz vein containing pyrite and pyrrhotite.

• 0.185 g/t Au over 0.88m from 146.12m in sheared and mineralized quartz vein with 4% disseminated pyrite.

While no high-grade gold values were returned in this phase, the presence of anomalous gold and sulphide mineralization within zones of shearing and veining is a positive indicator for further exploration.

CEO Commentary on Results and Next Steps

“We are pleased to have uncovered quartz veining and mineralization over a strike length of 200 metres at the Tabor Property,” said Scott Walters, CEO of Big Gold. “We are using the invaluable lithology, alteration, mineralization, and structural data gained from our maiden drill program to refine our targets for the next phase of drilling.”

About the Tabor Project

The Tabor Project is located adjacent to Goldshore Resources’ Moss Lake gold deposit, which hosts 6.73 million ounces of gold resources, and approximately 20 km west of Delta Resources’ Delta-1 Project.

Gold mineralization at Tabor is associated with quartz veining, shearing, and sulphide mineralization, similar to that seen at Moss Lake and Delta-1.

Notable results from nearby projects include:

• Goldshore Resources’ Moss Lake Project:

• 2.17 g/t gold over 50.35 metres (recent drill hole).

• Delta Resources’ Delta-1 Project:

• 15.94 g/t gold over 10 metres (March 1, 2024).

With the data from this initial drill program, Big Gold is preparing for its next phase of exploration at Tabor, targeting areas of enhanced gold mineralization and structural complexity.

By Kevin Vincent, Senior Contributing Editor to Mining Life Online and Mining Life & Exploration News.

Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Gold / All Articles