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Canada’s CEMI and Austrailia’s Amira Global sign international Agreement

Nov 25, 2020

By Stephane Villeneuve, Mining Life Online

Canada’s Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation (CEMI) recently signed an agreement with Amira Global to facilitate commercial development of R & D projects created by the two non-profit organizations.

CEMI is a not-for-profit research group focused on developing commercially viable innovations to improve all aspects of mining from exploration to processing. CEO of CEMI, Doug Morrison said “CEMI believes that it will take all the R&D and innovation resources in both countries working in concert, to accelerate the adoption of new technologies in the mining industry.”

Amira Global is an Australian based R & D Similarly focused on mining innovations.  Amira Global CEO, Dr. Jacqui Coombes said “I’m delighted to announce the Strategic Alliance Agreement, which aims to accelerate the commercialization of innovative mining solutions that emerge from R&D programs facilitated through both organizations, developed for the benefit of the global mining industry,” Dr. Coombes went on to say “This global partnership is ideally suited to deliver results to the mining industry through international collaboration and its focus on developing solutions that can improve the economic, social and environmental performance of the natural resources sector globally.”

Going forward both companies feel this is an important first step towards combining the efforts of innovators between Canada and Australia. With This agreement more avenues for commercialization are opened to develop R & D projects by the two companies.

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