Cross River announces drill mobilization at McVicar Project, NW Ontario

Cross River Ventures Corp. says two diamond drill rigs have been mobilized to the Company's 12,000-hecatre McVicar Gold Project, located in northwestern Ontario.
Crews have been on site over the last two weeks preparing the McVicar Camp, an exploration drill camp located along kilometer 125 of the Cat Lake Winter Road, in Northern Ontario, approximately 150 km east of Red Lake, and 80 km west of Pickle Lake.
The McVicar gold project is situated in the Superior Province of northern Ontario, Canada. The greenstone belts within the Superior Province contain some of the largest economic gold deposits in the world. McVicar encompasses the geologically significant structural components of the Lang Lake greenstone belt (see Figure 1 below), an underexplored belt located approximately 40 km north of the historic Golden Patricia Mine (619,796 oz at 15.2 g/t Au)*.
Cross River Ventures has initiated a planned 5,000-meter diamond drill program at McVicar, designed to test the Altered Zone and Bear Head Trend, two of several gold target zones on the property. Diamond drilling will be conducted by Major Drilling utilizing two Duralite 1000N Fly configuration diamond drill rigs. Drilling will commence shortly with two rigs focused on the Altered Zone (Target 2, Figure 2) and conclude with both drill rigs in the Bear Head Trend (Target 1, Figure 2).
"After conducting a methodical, detailed exploration approach at McVicar over the last year the technical team has identified several priority drill targets. We're excited to begin drilling and move project development forward in a meaningful way," said CEO, Alex Klenman. "This round of exploration drilling will build on historical drill intercepts at the Altered Zone, where we intend to drill test along strike, down-dip and down-plunge gold targets."
"In addition to the Altered Zone target, we're also conducting a maiden drill program at the newly discovered 700-meter long Bear Head gold trend, where surface sampling recently returned assay values up to 19.75 grams-per-tonne gold. McVicar is large, it's extensive, and is full of favorable geology, historic occurrences, and multiple target zones. It's exciting to begin drilling our flagship project," continued Mr. Klenman.
About The Altered Zone
The Altered Zone is a complex zone of deformation and intense alteration composed of sheared mafic volcanics, abundant green mica, intermediate intrusive rocks, massive to semi-massive quartz, and a quartz-carbonate-sericite schist.
New geologic modelling by Cross River in 2021 utilizes historic drilling data and suggests that the high-grade gold bearing structure continues at depth, coincident with lithologic breaks and a broader damage zone corridor characterized by an intense hydrothermal alteration overprint. The gold bearing structure at the Altered Zone is open in all directions. The upcoming drill program is designed to test the gold grade and continuity of the structure along strike, down-dip, and down-plunge. The program and will also test for new high-grade gold shoots at several locations along the broader Altered Zone structural trend.
About The Bear Head Trend
Cross River Ventures field crews discovered the Bear Head Trend during the summer 2021 fieldwork. It is located approximately 600 meters south of the historic Chellow Vein at the southern contact between mafic volcanics and granite along the Bear Head Fault Zone (Figure 1). This geological environment is considered prospective for Archean greenstone gold deposits and contains favorable structural and lithological sites for gold deposition.
The Bear Head Trend is an undrilled, minimum 700m, high-grade gold corridor that is nested within a WNW trending multi-km braided damage zone structure. Key samples collected in 2021 include sheared and silicified mafic metavolcanic rocks with 1-10cm wide smoky blue quartz veins which returned gold values of 19.75 grams-per-tonne ("g/t") gold ("Au") and 1.415 g/t Au (News Release October 5th, 2021) .
About the McVicar Project
Cross River's McVicar Gold Project is a district-scale (approximately 12,000 hectares) gold exploration project that contains gold prospective structure and host rocks that transect the entire Lang Lake greenstone belt, located in the Patricia Mining Division, approximately 150 km east of Red Lake, and 80 km west of Pickle Lake, in NW Ontario, Canada.
The McVicar project covers all the major fertile structural and lithostratigraphic elements of the greenstone belt, which is bound to the south by the major NW trending Bear Head Fault zone (within which the historic Golden Patricia Mine is situated).
Historic drilling at McVicar Lake in the Altered and North Flexure Zones include:
6.46 g/t Au over 10.09 m including 29.86 g/t Au over 1.86 metersi
5.5 g/t Au over 3.6 m including 12.2 g/t Au over 0.98 metersii
The McVicar Lake claims also host the Chellow Vein zone, which is a narrow quartz vein that consists of smoky grey to white quartz mineralized with minor pyrite and visible gold. The vein system yielded high grade gold at surface including grab samplesiii that assayed 827.4 g/t Au and 578.1 g/t Auiv.
The 2022 winter drill program is fully funded, and the Company has received all relevant permits.
Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Gold / All Articles