Delta drills interval of 31.0m of 5.92 g/t gold at Eureka Deposit near Thunder Bay

Delta Resources Limited is providing results from its 2022 drilling program at the Eureka Gold Deposit, 50 kilometres west of Thunder Bay, Ontario. A total of 2,719 metres were completed in nine drill holes during this program.
All nine drill holes of the 2022 program intersected the gold-bearing zone with the easternmost drill hole of the program returning assays of:
- 5.92 g/t gold over 31.0 metres
- Including 14.80 g/t Au over 11.9 metres
- Including 72.95 g/t Au over 2.2 metres
- Including 14.80 g/t Au over 11.9 metres
The mineralized zone has now been intercepted over a strike length of 850 m with the best grades increasing towards the east.
André Tessier, President and CEO commented: "These first high-grade results at Delta-1 are very encouraging and could indicate a significant and higher-grade area at Eureka. In addition to seeing very wide intercepts of low-grade gold, we are now seeing the potential for high-grade zones, particularly towards the east where the zone has never been tested. Based on the visual identification of significant native gold alone, Delta mobilized a drill to complete two additional holes in the eastern extension of the zone and the team is eagerly awaiting the results from these holes."
The mineralized zone trends roughly 100° azimuth, dips 50° towards the north, and has now been intersected over a strike length of approximately 850 m and a vertical depth exceeding 200 m.
The gold mineralization is hosted within a sandstone, near its contact with ultramafic volcanic flows to the south. Kilometre-scale, texture destructive alteration consists of intense ankeritization, sericitization and silicification. There appears to be a spatial association between gold mineralization and amphibole-feldspar-phyric intermediate dikes that are also affected by alteration. Gold mineralization consists of a network of multiple generations of quartz-ankerite-pyrite veinlets locally with disseminated grains of visible gold.
The Delta-1 project is located in the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt and covers a 17 km strike extent of the Shebandowan Structural Zone which also hosts the low-grade - high-tonnage Moss Lake gold deposit (Goldshore Resources), 50 km to the west.
Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Gold / All Articles