Dylan Turtle 92.1 FM Wins Dignitary Jackleg Competition
By Frank Giorno
Editor, https://www.mininglifeonline.net
The results are in from the CME 2023 Jackleg Drilling Competition. Congratulations to all competitors who stepped up to compete in the Mayors and Dignitaries event, the Novice Drillers, and the Pro-Drillers categories.
Dylan Turtle, a deejay from 92.1 FM captured the Mayors & Dignitaries competition. Congratulations Dylan. Dylan overcame tough competition from 99.3 FM’s Robyn Thomson, Mayor Michelle Boileau of Timmins, and Mayor Stacy Wight of Kirkland to win.
The participants in the Mayors and Dignitaries Challenge and also the Novice events were assisted by a team from Manroc in handling the jackleg drill. The goal of these competitions is to drill 1 hole and be drilled to a specified depth of 24”. The winning Mayor or Celebrity will receive a trophy “Pushing the Ore Cart” by Northern Ontario sculptor Ernie Fauvelle.
Randy Herman won the Novice Challenge with Sarah Kennedy and Joel Paterson finishing second and third. The winner in the Novice event will receive a sculpture also designed by Ernie Fauvelle and $125:00 in cash.
Dylan Watson won the Professional Jackleg competition. Danielle Ferraro finished second and Dylan Gilbert came third.
In the Professional Jackleg competition, the focus is on the safe assembly and dismantling of the Jackleg Drill. Each competitor must safely collar the drill into the jackleg assembly and then drill to 600 mm. with a center-to-center distance of 6 inches. The timer stops only when the driller stands up the drilling rig.
Speed comprises only one element of the scoring. Safe work habits, maintaining a safe work environment, precision hole alignment, and professional conduct will be the major marking criteria.
In case of a tie, the judges' decision is final. The first-place winner will receive $300.00 in cash and the coveted “Original” Driller collectors edition by Ernie Fauvelle ($400:00 value). The second-place finisher will win 200.00 Cash, and the " Pushing the Ore Cart" by Ernie Fauvelle. The third-place finisher wins $100:00 cash and the "Mini Gold Panner " on a plaque by Ernie Fauvelle.
A fun fact about Jackleg Drill 2023 – two competitors named Dylan won the Mayor and Dignitary and the Pro categories. A third Dylan finished third in the Pro Divisions. CME 2023 Jackleg Competition will be remembered as the year of Dylan!
See everyone at CME 2024 Jackleg event.

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