Dynasty Gold drills 130.5 m of 1.17 g/t, 50 m of 3.06 g/t at Thundercloud near Dryden

Ivy Chong, the President and Chief Executive Officer, stated: "We have substantially improved the grade from historical drilling. The width and the depth of these intercepts have reaffirmed our belief that mineralization at the Pelham Zone is wide open and could extend for over a kilometer in strike length and also at depth. These significant intercepts with high-grade occurrences throughout require further delineation near surface as well as at depth to establish its extent. Our next drill program will test drill deeper targets and step-out from the Pelham Zone."
Dynasty Gold Corp. is pleased to report further drill results for its Phase 1, 2023 drill program on the Thundercloud property. Hole DP23-06 intersected a broad 130.5 meter zone of 1.17 g/t gold from 100.5 meters; Hole DP23-05 intersected 50 meters of 3.06 g/t from 104.5 meters. These holes are drilled proximal to the area of the 2022 drilling and have significantly expanded near surface mineralization and improved on the historical grades. The Thundercloud property is in the Archean Manitou-Stormy Lakes Greenstone belt in Ontario, 47 kilometers southeast of Dryden, in northwestern Ontario.
The true widths of these drill intercepts are not known. Core recovery for the drill intercepts is approximately 100 percent.
Discussion of Drilling Results
- The Pelham deposit is an Archean, orogenic, hydrothermal deposit that occurs within a regionally defined East-West trending deformation zone, is open at depth and may be subject to repetition parallel to and along other untested structural trends.
- Mineralization occurs as blebs and stringers with some coarser veins, in metasomatically altered, silicified, locally sheared, fine- to medium-grained, Archean, bi-modal, mafic volcanics. The gold is primarily associated with disseminated to laminated to semi-massive bands of pyrite and lesser pyrrhotite, quartz, carbonate, chlorite and biotite.
- Hole DP23-05 and hole DP23-06 were drilled 25 meters below, within 10 meters, west and east respectfully of the discovery hole DP22-03 that assayed 73.5 meters of 8.42 g/t. Holes DP23-05 intersected a broad zone of mineralization that assayed 50 meters of 3.06 g/t including higher grade intervals of 7.5 meters of 4.36 g/t, 21 meters of 3.83 g/t, and 3 meters of 8.26 g/t. DP23-06 outlined a broad intercept that assayed 130.5 meters of 1.17 g/t including a wide higher grade interval of 57 meters of 2.30 g/t. These recent holes have confirmed the size and confidence in the mineralized envelope and demonstrate the nuggety nature of this structurally controlled deposit.
- The recent drill results have improved our understanding of the high-grade mineralization trends in the East Pelham zone which appear to align as N-E trending, steeply dipping structures formed by dilatant shearing within the mineralization in the regionally defined E-W deformation zone. In the western portion of the Pelham zone, N-W trending structures have also been historically identified. These structural dilatancies and intersections are the hosts for the higher-grade chutes and veins within the mineralized horizon.
- DP23-08 was drilled 150 meters west of the high-grade focus area intersecting 58.5 meters of 1.40 g/t within the resource outline (Press release of January 4, 2022). The results are consistent with the adjacent historical drill holes TC08-11 and PH-88-05 that assayed 55.25 meters of 2.19 g/t and 60.3 meters of 1.74 g/t respectively.
- Phase 2 of 2023 drilling will consist of deeper holes to test approximately 350 meters below surface or 150 meters below the current East Pelham focus, as well as near surface follow-up to other structurally and or geophysical defined trends and targets outside the Pelham zone.
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