First Lithium Minerals increases prospective ground in Northwestern Ontario
First Lithium Minerals Corp. is pleased to announce the expansion of its LSL Project and the addition of exploration properties in northwestern Ontario through acquisition and direct staking totalling 175 mining claims covering 3,573 ha.
Expansion of LSL Project
The expansion of the Company's LSL Project in the Patricia Mining District of northwestern Ontario consisted of acquisition of two mining claims groups, the Solitude Lake and Hillside Lake claims groups. The groups lie southwest and southeast of the LSL Project mining claims, respectively. The newly acquired claims are located approximately 40 km north of Savant Lake, Ontario and accessible via Provincial Highway 599 and logging roads. The claims groups area is underlain by Archean rocks of the northeastern extension of the Savant Lake greenstone belt, metasedimentary, and foliated tonalite units, and on strike of the primary geological control structures of the northern boundary of the Wabigoon Subprovince of the Superior Province. Historical exploration activities in the southwestern claims group located in the township of Solitude Lake area, included geologic mapping, ground geophysical surveys, lake sedimentary geochemical surveys, line cutting, and core drilling. Pegmatite dikes were observed in line cutting exploration (Source: Assessment File 52J10SE0016, Ontario Geological Survey) and units of pegmatites were identified in historical drilling intercepts (Source: Assessment File 52J10SE0005, Ontario Geological Survey).
The Lidstone exploration property (the "Lidstone") is located in the Thunder Bay Mining Division of northwestern Ontario, approximately 120 km northeast of the town of Armstrong, Ontario and accessible via logging roads. The Lidstone mining claims group lies within the central portion of the English River Subprovince of the Superior Province. Although primarily unexplored, historical exploration work in the area indicated the presence of mafic-ultramafic intrusive rocks hosting anomalous Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization (MDI000000000142, Primary commodity: Nickel, Copper, Secondary commodity: Cobalt, Platinum Metals, Sim Lake Occurrence, Ontario Geological Survey) with anomalous lake geochemistry lithium (Li) grade clusters. Historical drilling on the Lidstone claim block showed shallow noticeable intercepts of biotite and diorite (DDH-TR06-007, Assessment file 20000002847, Ontario Geological Survey), which could be considered as pathfinders for a magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide mineralization. The prospect area also exhibits coincident magnetic abrupt highs and lows and zones of high electromagnetic (EM) conductance.
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