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Fortune Nickel and Gold commissions drone Magnetic Survey in Timmins

Feb 1, 2022

Fortune Nickel and Gold Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Here To Serve Holding Corp., is pleased to announce that it has commissioned Zen Geomap Inc. to conduct a low-altitude, high-resolution drone magnetic survey of its Beck-Ottaway-Lennox Property, located 12 kilometers north of the world-class Nickel Sulfide Crawford Deposit in Timmins Camp.

The airborne survey is expected to begin this week and will complete 5 consecutive flights in two days, covering a grid total of 22-line kilometers including the tie lines. The survey will focus on select geophysical anomaly target areas on the company's Block A and Block C group of mining cells in the Lennox and Beck Townships. The airborne data will be processed to produce a high-resolution magnetic map of the area with the objective of honing future priority drill targets particularly around the clusters of historic drillholes B1-B3 in Block C (Beck) which intersected variable widths of nickel sulfides grading up to 0.29% Ni. 

Paul Riss, Fortune's President, said, "A high-resolution magnetic survey was a very important regional exploration tool for Canada Nickel Company in exploring for Crawford-style nickel sulfide drill targets. This magnetic survey including historical to recent geo-datasets will supplement our exploration team in planning and identifying high-priority drill targets within the property. There has been no significant exploration activity on the property, making it an exciting exploration target with enormous blue-sky potential for nickel, base-metal and gold opportunities." 

About Here To Serve Holding Corp. 

Here To Serve Holding Corp. is a holding company with three operating entities. Its subsidiary Fortune Nickel and Gold Inc. is dedicated to the global acquisition, exploration, and development of mining properties in prolific nickel, copper, and gold jurisdictions. Fortune's goal is to mine metals that sustain the global economy and replace fossil fuels with low-carbon energy. Metals such as copper facilitate the generation, storage and transmission of electricity, and nickel is a key component in the batteries of electric vehicles. Fortune owns 183 mining claims that lie at the core of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, which contains some of the world's largest deposits of gold, copper, zinc, nickel, and platinum-group metals. Nickel is a crucial battery metal in the electric vehicle supply chain. 

Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Gold / All Articles