Generation Mining discovers near surface mineralization 300m north of Marathon Deposit

“The Marathon property continues to exceed expectations in terms of its exploration potential. This discovery of high-grade copper and palladium assays in near surface drill intercepts on trend from the Marathon Deposit demonstrates the potential for resource expansion and a longer mine life,” said Gen Mining’s CEO Jamie Levy.
Generation Mining Limited has announced results from the first three holes drilled in the Chonolith area immediately north of the Marathon palladium-copper deposit in Northwestern Ontario. The company completed a positive feasibility study (see March 3rd, 2021 news release) which contemplates the development of an open-pit mining operation with robust project economics over a 13-year mine-life. As with recently completed work on the Central Feeder Zone (see 2021 news releases of January 25th, May 10th and August 17th), current exploration activities are focused on evaluating the potential for additional resources which could, in the future, potentially extend the life of the proposed operation.
Of the first three holes drilled in the Chonolith area hole MB-21-45 yielded the best results, intersecting a 46 m interval of 1.01 g/t Pd and 0.46% Cu from 50 m to 96 m downhole including 8 m of 1.92 g/t Pd and 0.83% Cu from 59 m to 67 m downhole as well as 5 m of 2.03 g/t Pd and 0.94% Cu from 73 m to 78 m downhole. Hole MB-21-45 is approximately 300 m north of the Marathon Deposit resource pit margin.
Significant assay results from the first three holes are included in the Table I below. Based on sparse drilling, the true width of drill intercepts is currently estimated to be about 75% of the length of the drill core sampled.
The Chonolith area comprises two discrete mineralized zones which are hosted by Marathon Series rocks that are primarily Two Duck Lake gabbros. The upper zone, referred to as the Power Line Zone, comprises a near surface intrusion controlled by a footwall embayment (a thermally eroded channel) similar to the structural setting of the Main Zone of the Marathon deposit. The lower zone referred to as the Chonolith Zone is quite different and based on limited historical drilling appears to be a channelized chonolith structure (a magma tube) within the Archean footwall. This structure has a top and a bottom as well as sides which have yet to be delineated. It’s possible that the Chonolith Zone is connected to the Marathon Deposit and as such could be one of several important feeder zones to the Marathon Deposit.
Both the Power Line and Chonolith occurrences were explored in the early 2000s. The first three holes of the current drill program were collared in the vicinity of hole BO-06-20 drilled by Benton Resources in 2006 which intersected 100.5 m assaying 0.93 g/t Pd, 0.25 g/t Pt, 0.10 g/t Au and 0.58% Cu. All three holes drilled by Gen Mining intersected the near surface Power Line and the deeper Chonolith zones. Mineralization styles are consistent with those observed elsewhere on the property. Of note is the presence of bornite in the upper portion of MB-21-45 which coincides with elevated precious metal values as well as predictably higher copper concentrations. Since this intercept is quite close to surface, and historical drill density is quite low in this part of the property, the area will constitute a priority exploration target going forward.
Drilling of the Chonolith and Powerline is ongoing. Another three holes have been drilled and five more remain to complete this phase of the exploration drill program which is planned to wrap up on or about September 15th, 2021.
Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Gold / All Articles