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Generation Mining updates test programs and initiates a Pilot Plant near Marathon

Oct 26, 2020

Generation Mining Limited is a step closer to a fully operational processing plant for its Marathon PGM project. The company has provided investors with an update on the continued progress of the Feasibility Study currently underway for the Marathon Palladium project in northwestern Ontario.

“We believe that the processing plant flowsheet is an improvement over the past design and the metallurgical testing programs have shown improved recoveries," said Drew Anwyll, Chief Operating Officer, Generation Mining. "The achieved successes and the validation of the flowsheet will be carried forward in Feasibility Study designs and into the subsequent detailed engineering phase. We see the achieved recoveries and overall design to be very positive for the overall Project.” 

The Company previously reported on the Phase 1 bench-scale metallurgical testing program (news release dated August 20, 2020) that determined the recovery to be used for the Feasibility Study and the expected recoveries for the Project going forward. 

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