Genesis Metals Commences Surface Program at Chevrier Gold Project, Quebec

Genesis Metals Corp. has commenced a staged surface exploration program that will be executed the coming months at its Chevrier Gold Project in the eastern Abitibi Greenstone Belt of Central Quebec. The Company completed a Phase I drilling program in May which consisted of a total of 2,502 metres in 9 holes. Results from holes GM-20-59 to 62 were reported by the Company on June 2, 2020; results for holes GM-20-63 to 67 are pending.
The initial phase of the surface program involves follow-up till sampling grids and detailed soil grids to refine the six priority targets identified from the 2019 glacial till survey (September 26, 2019; February 5, 2020 News Releases); Map 1, below. In addition, the work will include surface prospecting, sampling and geological mapping, as well as application of geophysical tools such as detailed drone/helicopter magnetic surveys. The aim of this work is to delineate discrete gold targets for trenching and drill testing later in the year.
The compilation work carried out on Chevrier over the past several months has identified an area that was sampled in 2017 along a powerline 800 metres northeast (up-ice) of till anomaly #3 (see Map 1, below) with a cluster of prospecting grab samples with assays including 17.8 g/t gold, 10.8 g/t gold, 3.5 g/t gold and 1.94 g/t gold. This area is close to the projection of the Fancamp Deformation Zone and will be a focus of follow-up work during the surface program.
Plans for a second phase of drilling will be announced once all assays from the current program are received and evaluated. The Company remains fully funded for its planned work in 2020.
Genesis will continue to monitor the evolving COVID-19 situation and will comply with all government directives and pro-actively follow protocols consistent with minimizing the spread of the COVID-19 virus to protect the health of its work force and their local communities.
Tags: Quebec / Exploration / Gold / All Articles