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GOLD for Thought

Jul 23, 2020

GOLD for Thought

With an estimated 140 koz of gold mined in Q1 2020, Kirkland Lake’s Detour Lake gold mine was the fourth largest gold mining operation in North America and the largest gold mine in Canada.

The Detour Lake open pit mine is located in northeastern Ontario, approximately 300 kilometres northeast of Timmins and 185 kilometres by road northeast of Cochrane, within the northernmost Abitibi Greenstone Belt. The operation is situated in the area of the historic Detour Lake open pit/underground mine operated by Placer Dome which produced 1.8 million ounces of gold from 1983 to 1999. Detour Gold acquired the property in January 2007, completed a feasibility study in June 2010 and commenced gold production in February 2013. The Detour Lake operation has a mine life of approximately 22 years with an average gold production of 659,000 ounces per year and includes the development of the West Detour project which is currently being permitted. Kirkland Lake Gold completed acquisition of Detour Gold on January 31, 2020.

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