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Golden Goliath detects sulphide mineralization continues along Pakwash on Kwai Property, Red Lake

Oct 29, 2020

Golden Goliath Resources Ltd.  has completed drill hole K20-07 on line 400W, which is located 200m east of K20-03, and 600m west of K20-06. Hole K20-07 has intersected sheared tuffaceous rocks, intermixed with sheared porphyry and porphyry dikes containing wide zones of disseminated sulphide mineralization.

This latest drilling has extended the sulphide mineralized zone to 800m long and trends east-west across the north end of the West Grid. The character of this altered and mineralized zone changes going further eastward through holes K20-05 and K20-04 on lines 400E and 600E where widespread sericitization takes place and the nature of the silicification appears to be unlike any found west of this location. 

Drill hole K20-07 was important in that it stayed in favourable Uchi Formation rocks as it drilled south and did not encounter the less favourable English River Formation rocks. Earlier drilling also did not intersect English River rocks at depth. This fact indicates that the fault contact between the two units is a gently dipping thrust fault, with the less favorable English River formation overlying Uchi Formation rocks. (See the theoretical cross section in the Company's News release dated October 15). Hence the targets on the south side of the West Grid may turn out to be more important than first thought.

In drill hole K20-07, tuffs which host the sulphides began at 193m intermixed with sheared porphyry and minor pyrite (1%), and sericite shears with 5% pyrite began at 202.5m in .5 to 1 m wide zones. Intense shearing and more sulphides occurred at 253 to 273m then ended in sheared porphyry at 279m. As the casing has been left in place, this hole could be continued later in the program or tested from the south side, but it demonstrated that a wide zone of favourable Uchi rocks occurs south of the Pakwash Fault, leaving potential for other shear zones noted in the resistivity data.

A zone of intensely silicified rock was discovered on the west shore of Beauregard Lake that coincides with the presumed Pakwash Fault. This area has been targeted with a new drill hole K20-08 which is now underway. Drill hole K20-08 will complete the first line of drill holes across the top of the West Grid which have tested the northernmost IP anomaly which appears to correspond to the Pakwash Fault. More IP anomalies cross the west grid further to the south and will be tested by future drilling.

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