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Golden Goliath Identifies Exploration Targets on Wish Ore Property near Batchewana

Jan 11, 2022

Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. has received the final interpretation on the airborne geophysics survey that was flown on its Wish Ore project last season.

The Company holds 100% ownership of the Wish Ore property, located in the Batchewana Bay area between Sault Ste Marie and Wawa Ontario. Part of the 2021 exploration work on Wish Ore included an airborne Mag and VLF-EM survey. Peter Diorio, P.Geo. of GeophysicsOne Inc., was contracted to do this interpretation and compile its results with the existing property data. 

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Figure 1: Regional Overview of GNG Wishore Property

To view an enhanced version of Figure 1, please visit:

The excellent work by Mr. Diorio has identified 19 Areas of Interest (AOIs) for follow-up. While all of the anomalies look very encouraging, the most exciting of these are AOI 4 and AOI 8 which are located adjacent to known gold mineralization on the property at the Trench zone and the New Zone. AOI 1 and AOI 15 show large-scale potential as they appear to be associated with a 700 meter zone of interpreted flexure along the deep seated Carp River fault and the intersection of a northwest trending structure. AOI 13 is also an anomaly near the junction of the Carp River Fault and a northwest trending structure. Prospecting in 2019 identified large angular mineralized boulders 200 meters down ice southwest of this anomaly. In the underexplored southwest end of the property AOI 7 consists of an anomalous northwest trending mag low which cuts three east west trending mag highs. The area of the mag low is associated with VLF conductors and interpreted structures. This is interpreted to represent an area of alteration where magnetic minerals were destroyed by the alteration similar to what is seen in the areas of intense quartz carbonate alteration elsewhere on the property.

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Figure 2: Areas of Interest with Qtz carbonate zones on image of VLF Amplitude (Cutler, Maine) from Terraquest survey

To view an enhanced version of Figure 2, please visit:

The company is now working with our key advisors to put together an exploration plan to test these targets.

Golden Goliath CEO Paul Sorbara PGeo comments: "Our previous work on this property has shown widespread gold mineralization. This new geophysics gives us the tools to focus our search on some very exiting targets."

Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Gold / All Articles