Golden Goliath Identifies New Drill Targets by IP on Bearegard Lake

Golden Goliath Resources has been carrying out a number of exploration approaches on the Kwai property in Red Lake this winter. This includes IP surveys on the ice of Beauregard Lake, lake sediment sampling of the lake bottom and drilling east of the lake on the strongest IP anomalies found to date on the property. Although the IP survey on the lake ice is not yet completed, one of the newest discoveries has been IP anomalies found within the felsic tuff volcanic sediment sequence seen outcropping on the shore of Beauregard Lake. These rocks have not been encountered in any previous drilling but may be the equivalent of the felsic volcanics and sediments found to the north on the Great Bear Dixie property. Two IP trends have been found so far in the lake IP survey. One follows the anomalies along the Pakwash Fault and the other is located in the felsic tuffs on the south shore of the lake. Both of these anomaly trends can be reached by drilling from the shore with each trend being in the order of 50m from shore. Permits to drill from the ice have also been received as well as from sites along the shore line giving flexibility on how to test these zones. IP surveying will continue on six more lines later this week after temperatures return to more normal levels and the machinery, instruments and people work better.
Lake sediments have been taken along the Pakwash trend and to the south near the other IP anomalies and have been sent for analysis.
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