Golden Goliath identifies new IP anomalies at Red Lake property
Golden Goliath Resources is reporting that the IP survey run from the frozen surface of Beauregard Lake has now been completed after experiencing delays due to -40 C temperatures. A new set of IP anomalies has been discovered along the north edge of the lake following the Pakwash Fault trend. These are stronger than all previous anomalies. They sit in a unique resistivity setting totally different than any previous anomaly seen along the fault. This particular set of anomalies can be reached by drilling from shore as they are within 50m of the north shore of the lake (Fig 2). They occur on lines 1400E, 1600E, 1800E and 2000E along the north shore of the lake.
A second IP trend has also been identified by the recent lake survey. It is located in the felsic tuffs seen on the south shore of the lake which align with IP anomalies on land to the east where a rusty till sample containing 13 grains of gold was found (Fig 2). Therefore two new types of anomalies have appeared which will be tested in this next round of drilling.
Figure 2: New IP results from Beauregard Lake
To view an enhanced version of Figure 2, please visit:
The second trend described above, which can be accessed from a large peninsula, will be initially tested as a trail for access is prepared for the new large anomaly near the north shore of the lake on lines 1600E and 1800E.
Drilling has now resumed in the area of the rusty till sample that contained 13 gold grains collected last summer. Planned hole K21-17 was originally to be located 200m east of drill hole K21-15. However, as drilling resumed, a frozen solid water supply creek made it necessary to move the drill from the trend south of the Pakwash Fault on the East Grid, which was being tested with holes K21-15 and K21-16, to the south shore of the lake, just up ice from the rusty till sample. Drilling here will test the new IP trend on the south side of the lake, where water can be drawn directly from the lake. Drill Hole K21-17, located on line 2200E near the southeast corner of the lake (Fig. 3). Drilling of the previously planned holes on the East Grid will resume as the weather warms up enough to allow water flow.
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