Golden Goliath Updates Wish Ore Project Batchewana Bay Area

In the Spring of 2021 Golden Goliath designed and initiated a multi faceted exploration program for its 100% owned Wish Ore property located north of Sault Ste Marie near Batchewana Bay. The program included detailed geological and structural mapping and sampling, a LIDAR survey to provide an accurate digital elevation model as well as an airborne Mag and VLF survey over the entire property to unify the data from different parts of the property and aid interpretation.
The Wish Ore property is underlain by northeast trending meta sediments and meta volcanics of the Batchewana Greenstone Belt, with a major structure (Carp River Fault) running parallel to the trend. Anomalous gold values occur in association with carbonate/silica altered, heavily strained zones distributed for over 6 kilometres within a broad corridor along and adjacent to the Carp River structure, which is cut by northwest trending lineaments.
Several new shear zones were discovered on the property by prospector Mike Tremblay between 2013 and 2016. The most promising of these was a new silicified zone in mafic volcanics south of the Carp River Fault from which grab samples assayed up to 25.57g/t gold. The shear zone is at least 30m wide, runs east-west and consists of silica, ankerite and sericite alteration. The best gold values were from a quartz-ankerite-pyrite +/- chalcopyrite vein that is at least 1m wide. Along trend to the west, previous work completed in 1989 and 1990 identified an area of alteration with anomalous gold values. Two short drill holes were completed at that time and returned anomalous gold values with a high value of 1.52 g/t over 0.80m. Along trend 2.5 km to the east logging activity exposed another large area of quartz carbonate-altered intermediate to mafic volcanics with quartz veining that returned anomalous gold values up to 2.87 g/t.
Golden Goliath optioned the property in early 2019 and conducted a small program of trenching and geophysics. Due to the pandemic the only work completed on the property in 2020 was a focused soil sample program over IP anomalies identified in 2019. The soil sampling program confirmed anomalous gold values associated with chargeability highs.
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