GoldON commences exploration at Springpole East in Red Lake District

The 6,674-hectare Property is located within the Birch-Uchi Greenstone Belt of the northern Uchi Subprovince and consists of typical greenstone mafic to felsic volcanic sequences intercalated with clastic and chemical sediments which have been intruded by pre to syn-tectonic felsic to mafic intrusives and syn to post-tectonic mafic to ultra-mafic rocks.
While very little is known about the Property's underlying geology, the recently completed heliborne, high-resolution magnetometer (MAG) survey confirmed the area is an extremely active structural environment and preliminary interpretations of the survey data were used to plan the initial fieldwork that will consist of prospecting, mapping, and sampling.
Figure 2: Preliminary Interpretation of Springpole East Heliborne MAG Survey over Tilt Angle Derivative.
To view an enhanced version of Figure 2, please visit:
The MAG survey was flown at 50-metre flight line spacings for a total of 1,390-line kilometres (km) and preliminary interpretations of the survey data reveal most of the area is affected by linear magnetic features characteristic of alternating sequences of mafic volcanic rocks with sedimentary or intermediate to felsic volcanic rocks, with possibly some intrusive stocks, sills or dykes locally. The strongest anomaly of the survey exceeds 40,000 nanotesla (nT), an amplitude typical of magnetic rich iron formations, and occurs near the northern edge of the block (Figure 3). This anomaly also appears folded in a flattened S-shape denoting F1 possible structure. Structures such as these through a possible iron formation are conducive for iron formation hosted gold deposits such as Musselwhite, the Pickle Lake camp and the Geraldton-Beardmore camp of Ontario.
Figure 3: Preliminary Interpretation of Springpole East Heliborne MAG Survey over Total Magnetic Intensity.
To view an enhanced version of Figure 3, please visit:
Most magnetic lineaments are generally trending from WNW-ESE to NE-SW in the area. A majority of lineaments appear curved, either by shearing or folding structures, or possibly also at the contact zone with intrusions. These features are attesting that the area underwent strong deformation events in the past. In general terms, magnetic lineaments are related to rock formations that are enriched in magnetic minerals (magnetite and/or pyrrhotite). In some areas, it is possible to detect structural features offsetting observed magnetic lineaments and causing abrupt interruption or changes of the magnetic response. These features are typically caused by faults, fractures and shear zones, and thought to be favorable structures in the exploration context of orogenic gold mineralization.
The Property is comprised of 18 contiguous mining claims covering 6,674 hectares and is located in the Keigat Lake Area township approximately 40 km northwest of the Slate Falls First Nation community. Access to the Property is via a new all-weather logging road to the southern boundary with extensions planned into the claim group in the near future.
The western boundary of the Property adjoins the Springpole project owned by First Mining Gold Corp., with the Springpole deposit located 9 km to the west of the boundary and hosting reserves of 3.8 million ounces of gold and 20.5 million ounces of silver. The 2021 pre-feasibility study of Springpole is highlighted by a 30,000 tonnes per day mining operation with a life of mine of 11 years. See NI 43-101 Technical Report and Pre-feasibility Study on Springpole Gold Project prepared by AGP Mining Consultants Inc., February 26, 2021.
Mike Kilbourne, P. Geo, an independent qualified person as defined in NI 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical contents of this news release on behalf of the Company.
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