GoldON hires Rouillier Drilling for West Madsen Project in Red Lake Camp

GoldON Resources Ltd. is pleased to announce it has hired Rouillier Drilling for the upcoming drilling program at its 100%-owned West Madsen gold property (the "Property").
GoldON personnel are enroute to the Property to coordinate site preparations in advance of the commencement of drilling.
About Rouillier Drilling:
Founded in 1977, Rouillier Drilling is a family-owned company with a reputation as a specialist in surface and underground drilling in Eastern Canada. It was the first company to obtain the UL 2724 ECOLOGO® certification for service providers of the mineral exploration industry. Rouillier Drilling is a division of the Rouillier Group that includes various subsidiaries in diamond drilling and the manufacture of high-performance mining equipment.
About the West Madsen Property:
Located in the heart of the Red Lake Gold District, the 5,988-hectare property covers two claim blocks, Block A (east) and Block B (west), that are non-contiguous by less than 100 metres. The next phase of drilling will focus on Block A where previous drilling has confirmed gold mineralization in several different geological environments and represents typical Archean terrane orogenic gold deposit settings.
Block A adjoins the Madsen gold mine property (Figure 1) where West Red Lake Gold Mines (WRLG) expects to restart production in the second half of 2025. The bulk of the mineral resources on the Madsen mine property are hosted in a ~7-km-long gold trend that follows the major crustal break or contact between the Balmer and Confederation assemblages.
GoldON has observed the same Balmer-Confederation contact in outcrop approximately 1.5 km west of the Block A eastern claim boundary and identified it within an ~8-km corridor of disrupted regional magnetics that traverses Block A from the Madsen mine property.
About GoldON Resources Ltd.
GoldON is a mineral exploration company focused on discovery-stage properties. Our goal with a property is to add value by defining or redefining the exploration opportunity, maintain ownership control during the value creation phase of discovery, and then source a well-financed partner capable of accelerating discovery, resource definition, and development.
Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Gold / All Articles