Goldshore historic core expands mineralization at Moss Lake near Thunder Bay

Goldshore Resources Inc. has announced assay results from previously unsampled historic drill core at the Moss Lake Project in Northwest Ontario.
Goldshore's team has retrieved historical core that remains on the Moss Lake Gold Project where the drill collars have been recovered and accurately surveyed. Prior operators selectively sampled core that fit with the model used at the time. This core is now being relogged and sampled by Goldshore. This presents an excellent, cost-effective opportunity for Goldshore to generate significant results without new drilling, particularly in those holes that coincide with Goldshore's identified targets. This news release presents results from six such historical holes where sampling by prior operators was incomplete.
Sampling of unsampled sections of two historic drill holes at the QES Zone have increased the width and grade of gold mineralization over that previously reported. The expanded intercepts include:
104.2m @ 1.04 g/t Au from 422.0m in NS247, including
19.40m @ 2.66 g/t Au from 458.6m
This section includes the visible gold reported on April 19, 2022
The hole ended in mineralization
56.1m @ 0.42 g/t Au from 493.5m in NS248
Sampling has also identified a new southern parallel zone that was previously unrecognized, including:
9.30m @ 1.28 g/t Au from 244.6m depth, including
0.9m @ 10.95 g/t from 253.0m
0.9m @ 35.7 g/t Au from 271.65m and
78.45m @ 0.35 g/t Au from 331.55m in NS247
69.10m @ 0.49 g/t Au from 413.0m in NS248
Additional sampling of four drillholes assessing regional prospects confirmed initial results.
President and CEO Brett Richards stated: "All of the work we have conducted at Moss Lake, whether new drilling results or sampling and analysis of the historic drilling, all indicates that the extent of mineralization is far greater than the footprint of the historical resource. These results indicate yet another parallel zone of mineralization not previously identified and will provide new high quality drill targets in the future; as well as meaningful data when conducting the resource estimation."
Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Gold / All Articles