Gowest exploration at Bradshaw continues as underground activity restart imminent

"We continue to be highly encouraged by the positive results of this latest phase of exploration drilling across both Bradshaw and our other clearly prospective gold zones," Dan Gagnon, President and Chief Executive Officer of Gowest said. "This latest phase of exploration is bringing us another significant step forward in our commitment to expanding our resources. It also provides a strong foundation for our potential to develop more than one important new mine on our property in the Timmins gold camp. Meanwhile, we also look forward to restarting our underground mining work at Bradshaw soon."
Gowest Gold Ltd. is pleased to provide an update on its Phase 2 Exploration surface diamond drilling program, initiated in November 2023. This newly funded program is part of a larger planned program aimed at expanding the mineable resource at its 100% owned Bradshaw Gold Mine (Bradshaw), as well as to further test other parts of the Corporation's North Timmins Gold Project (NTGP) area where notable gold has also previously been intercepted.
Phase 2 Surface Diamond Drilling Update
Phase 2 consists of a total of 16,500 m of planned drilling aimed at testing and expanding the known gold mineralization within the Bradshaw Gold deposit, as well as in other parts of the NTGP area with notable historical gold intercepts in prospective gold mineralization zones, particularly in the Roussain and Sheridan zones.
Gowest has contracted Orbit Garant Drilling Services (Orbit) to complete its Phase 2 exploration drilling program. Orbit is employing two YS-200-type surface drill rigs. The first hole of the Phase 2 drilling (GW23-336) started in November 2023 at Bradshaw. The second drill rig was mobilized in the Roussain area in the first week of February 2024, and it is currently drilling the third hole (GW24-345).
In this program to date, 4,416 m has been drilled at Bradshaw, and 745 m in the Roussain gold zone, for a total of 5,161 m.
Highest assay intercept to date: 58.6 grams per tonne (g/t) gold (Au) over 1 m in hole GW23-339 from New Hangingwall Zone.
Several new hanging wall zones were cut, with the thickest intercept being 3.55 g/t Au over 6.2 m in hole GW23-339.
Overview-Phase 2:
Plans for this new $10,000,000 exploration program on the NTGP include evenly splitting the funds between underground drilling and surface exploration. The surface drilling program, budgeted at $5 million, mainly entails diamond drilling. A total of 16,500 m is planned for the central to western portion and the depth extension of the Bradshaw deposit (10,000 m), the Sheridan Zone (2,500 m), the Roussain Zone (2,500 m), as well as Induced Polarization (IP) targets (1,500 m). An IP geophysical survey is also planned to generate new targets on the NTGP area for further surface exploration.
Technical Overview:
Eleven significant gold intersections were encountered in the four recent holes GW23-339, GW24-340, GW24-341 and GW24-342 (Table 1). Four holes, GW24-343, GW24-344, GW24-346 and GW24-348, are currently being logged and pending assay results from Activation Laboratories in Timmins. Intercepts in holes GW23-338 and GW23-336 returned lower grade gold mineralization. Drilling is currently in progress for re-entering and deepening hole GW23-337. Several new significant hanging wall zones were encountered in the holes, with the highest being 58.6 g/t Au over 1.0 m, 4.18 g/t Au over 0.7 m, and 7.11 g/t Au over 0.7 m. Three holes also intersected the HW2 Zone with 3.55 g/t Au over 6.2 m, including 12 g/t Au over 0.5 m (GW23-339), 4.72 g/t Au over 2.2m (GW24-341) and 4.22 g/t Au over 2.5m (GW24-342). Other significant zones encountered were the HAN zone in hole GW24-340, which returned 9.98 g/t Au over 1.0 m; the HW4 zone in hole GW24-340, which returned 5.58 g/t Au over 1.0 m; 11.3g/t Au over 0.7m (GW24-342); the HW1 zone in hole GW24-341, which returned 13.56 g/t Au over 1.0 m; and, the HW6 zone in hole GW23-339 which returned 9.59 g/t Au over 1.0m. 12.46 g/t was also intercepted over 1.5m (GW24-340); 8.92 g/t Au over 0.5m (GW24-342); the HW10 zone returned 4.86 g/t Au over 2.0m (GW24-340); and, the HW7 zone, which returned 4.17g/t Au over 0.7m (GW24-342).
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