Help Northern College to Help Employers by Completing this Short Survey

The COVID -19 pandemic has stressed the already limited reserves of skilled workers in Northern Ontario. At Northern College, we understand the pressures that your company is facing in trying to fill vacant positons with qualified and capable employees. We want to help your company attract and retain the best workers you can.
To help us prepare worker programming geared to your industry, we ask that you complete this short survey, which includes some information about your company, where you work and where your employees come from. We also would like to know some of the details of the positions you have vacant, or foresee becoming vacant in the next few years. With your help, we can create programming that closes the gap between those seeking work, and employers.
The survey can be found at
We thank you for your input and look forward to continuing to deliver industry training that meets your needs.
Wishing you a great weekend! Please feel free to share this survey with other employers.
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