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HighGold resumes drilling at Timmins area gold projects

Sep 22, 2020

HighGold Mining has started a 3,500 meter drill program at its Munro-Croesus and Golden Mile properties east of Timmins. The program follows-up and expands upon the company's drill program that was suspended mid-March in response to COVID-19.

At Munro-Croesus, the Company recently completed a prospecting and mapping program followed by mechanical stripping, power washing and channel sampling of gold-bearing quartz vein systems. Several of these vein prospects, which are developed in areas outside the historic Croesus mine environment, will be drill tested for the first time during the current drill program. Highlights from the first batch of assayed channel samples include:

  • 11.24 grams per tonne gold ("g/t Au") over 1.85 meters
  • 17.05 g/t Au over 0.8 meters
  • 8.42 g/t Au over 1.5 meters

HighGold has also continued to expand its Munro-Croesus land position with recent property purchases and claim staking, which taken collectively, increase the size of the property fivefold to 20 square km (1,968 ha). The acquisitions have consolidated a previously fragmented and underexplored package of highly prospective ground within the influence of the Pipestone Break, a regional fault system that is host to gold deposits throughout the Timmins gold camp.

HighGold owns 100% of each of its three Timmins properties. The Munro-Croesus Gold Project is located approximately 75 kilometers (47 miles) east of Timmins, proximal to the Porcupine-Destor and Pipestone Faults, and approximately three kilometers (1.9 miles) northwest and along trend of Pan American Silver's multi-million ounce Fenn-Gib gold deposit. Mining occurred intermittently at Munro-Croesus between 1915 and 1936. The Golden Mile 86 square kilometer (34 square mile) property is located nine kilometers (5.6 miles) northeast of Newmont's multi-million-ounce Hoyle Pond deposit in Timmins. The Golden Perimeter 118 square kilometers (46 square mile) property is located to the south and southeast of Timmins on the south edge of the Shaw dome structure.

Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Gold / All Articles