HighGold Signs Exploration Agreement with Matachewan and Mattagami First Nations

HighGold Mining Inc. has entered into an Exploration Agreement (“EA”) with Matachewan First Nation and Mattagami First Nation in the Timmins area Ontario. The purpose of the EA is to promote a cooperative, collaborative and mutually respectful relationship in relation to HighGold’s exploration activities in areas where the two First Nations’ members exercise aboriginal rights.
“We are delighted to formalize the positive working relationship established between HighGold and the neighboring First Nation communities of Matachewan and Mattagami,” commented President and CEO Darwin Green. “The EA reflects HighGold’s commitment to respectful engagement and responsible stewardship, with a mission to benefiting the regions in which we operate.”
“On a more solemn note, HighGold management is deeply saddened by the recent and sudden passing of our good friend and colleague Terry Bursey. Terry, a long-time resident of Red Lake, Ontario and President of Rimini Exploration & Consulting, was a major force in the northern Ontario mining community and has been intimately involved with HighGold’s First Nation engagement and Exploration Agreement efforts. She will be greatly missed.”
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