IAMGOLD Provides Quarterly Côté Gold Project Progress Update

IAMGOLD Corporation has provided a second quarter update on activities at its Côté Gold Project.
The Côté District, located 125 kilometres southwest of Timmins includes the Côté Gold construction project and the adjacent Gosselin exploration zone. The Project is being developed by a 70:30 joint venture between IAMGOLD, as the operator, and Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd. ("SMM"), as a 13.1 million tonnes per year open pit operation estimated to produce, on a 100% basis, an average of approximately 469,000 gold ounces at all-in sustaining costs below $800 per ounce sold annually in its first six years of operation under the extended case mine plan cited in the 2018 feasibility study (see news release dated November 1, 2018), subject to receipt of certain additional permitting. The Company effectively owns 64.75% of the Project and the Gosselin zone which is currently undergoing a resource delineation drilling program and could provide future supplemental feed to the Côté mill. The Company expects to release an initial mineral resource estimate for the Gosselin zone in the fourth quarter of 2021.
As at June 30, 2021, detailed engineering reached approximately 82% and the Project overall was 27% complete. Procurement and expediting of major equipment contracts are progressing with the logistics contract awarded. The Project remains on track for commercial production in in the second half of 2023.
Activities During the Quarter
The second quarter saw an increased number of COVID-19 cases in the Timmins area. Although some cases were experienced by a small number of workers during this wave, heightened testing and additional constraints on site circulation were implemented which limited the number of cases. To date, the Company has not experienced a material impact on the construction schedule due to COVID-19.
Earthworks activities continue to progress with roadwork, water pumping, fish relocation, the completion of the tailing management coffer dam and continuation of drill and blast activities in the open pit.
Plant site blasting has been completed and final level adjustments are ongoing. The concrete batch plant has been commissioned and is in production and concrete pouring and form work has started with a focus on the ball mill and vertical mill foundation work. The freshwater line and overhead 13.8kV powerline have been completed, are being commissioned and are expected to provide 4MW line power availability to site in the third quarter of 2021. The Hydro One electrical upgrade work continues with the completion of tie-in modifications at the by-pass at Timmins Porcupine Main Substation and tower reinforcements and stringing in progress.
Construction of the permanent camp is progressing with approximately 60% of the planned permanent capacity commissioned at the end of July. The Project was accommodating over 700 workers at site at the end of July between temporary and permanent camp accommodations. The administrative building has been completed and the wastewater treatment plant is being commissioned.
Permitting and stakeholder engagement continues. On June 28, 2021, the Company, the Métis Nation of Ontario and SMM celebrated the signing of an impact and benefit agreement ("IBA") relating to Côté Gold. In addition to the existing IBA with Mattagami First Nation and Flying Post First Nation, the Company has completed all of the IBAs it expects to complete relating to the Project.
Operational readiness commenced with the start of the operation's new General Manager and a focus on organizational design review, maintenance and health and safety systems.
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