IAMGOLD reports final 2020 Nelligan Gold Project Results

IAMGOLD ( TSX:IMG NYSE:IAG) announced the final results for the 2020 drilling program located at the Nelligan Joint Venture project Located 60 Km southwest of Chibougamau, Quebec.
Iamgold Corp. of Toronto had won the award for Discovery of the Year by the Association de l’Exploration Miniere du Quebec for its Nelligan gold project back in October of 2019. The presentation was made at AMEC’s 2019 meeting, in Quebec City.
The Developer of the Year award highlights the importance of a recent mineral discovery that has had a ripple effect on it or other exploration activities.
"The Iamgold team worked very hard to achieve that major result, and to advance Nelligan to the completion of a first 43-101 compliant resource", stated Craig MacDougall, Executive Vice President, Growth.
The Nelligan project is held under a earn-in option with Vanstar Mining( TSX-V: VSR ) and the project looked to infill select areas along the inferred 3.2M Oz resource base, as well as determine potential extensions at depth and along strike of the Renard Zone.
Highlights from the recent drill results include:
- NE-20-161(Renard West Zone):
11 g/t Au over 27.0 m
1.13 g/t Au over 36.1m
1.07 g/t Au over 22.1m at
- NE-20-164 (Renard West Zone):
2.00 g/t Au over 21.8 m
5.80 g/t Au over 4.5m
1.72 g/t Au over 23.2m , including 6.81 g/t Au over 1.5m
- NE-20-159 (Renard Zone):
0.99 g/t Au over 33.0 m
1.55 g/t Au over 18.0 m
- NE-20-162:
7.62 g/t Au over 17.3m, including 66.1 g/t Au over 1.5m
1.15 g/t Au over 42.0m
1.39 g/t Au over 15.6m
- NE-20-160:
4.16 g/t Au over 8.5m, including 19.8 g/t Au over 1.3m
Craig MacDougall, stated: "These remaining results continue to demonstrate continuity of mineralization from the infill drill holes completed in the resource area, and importantly, also continue to demonstrate that mineralization extends well beyond the area of the current modeled resource to the west for at least 500 to 700 metres ".
Going forward IAMGOLD Has begun planning for 2021, with continued drilling to expand the known resources and additional metallurgical testing to determine recovery options for the deposit.
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Tags: Quebec / Exploration / Gold / All Articles