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Inventus Provides Sudbury 2.0 Drilling Update

Feb 25, 2021

Inventus Mining Corp. is providing details on the ongoing 3,000-metre drill program at its 100%-owned Sudbury 2.0 project near Sudbury.

A total of 1,385 metres of drilling have been completed to date at the Lake Zone. The drill was recently moved to Cobalt Hill and has resumed drilling. Drilling at Cobalt Hill will test the polymetallic mineral potential in an area only historically assayed for gold with select historic intersections of 5.3 metres of 11.2 g/t gold in hole A88-55, and 41 metres of 2.6 g/t gold in hole A88-62. A map of complete and planned holes from the Lake Zone and Cobalt Hill is provided in Figure 1.

Unexpectedly slow turnaround from the assay lab has delayed results for holes WL-21-02WL-21-03 and WL-21-04. There are currently 429 samples outstanding at the lab. Assays from the second hole are expected shortly, and assays from holes 3 and 4 are expected in the next 2 to 5 weeks.

Drill hole WL-21-02 was designed to test the mineralization at a depth of approximately 200 metres below surface. The hole intersected 113 metres of hydrothermal breccia with variable pyrite and chalcopyrite mineralization from approximately 367 to 480 metres down hole.

Drill hole WL-21-03 intersected 156 metres of alteration and hydrothermal breccia with variable pyrite and chalcopyrite mineralization from 12 to 168 metres down hole, approximately 400 metres north of WL-21-02.

Drill hole WL-21-04 intersected the alteration and hydrothermal breccia 100 metres south of the intercept in WL-21-03 and 250 metres below surface. An occurrence of visible gold was identified at 398 metres down hole within a 49-metre interval of alteration and mineralized hydrothermal breccia from 373 to 422 metres down hole.

Inventus’ first hole from the Lake Zone, which intersected 18.5 metres of 6.6 g/t gold and 0.76% copper (see press release Jan. 19th, 2021) and the breccia intersections in holes 2, 3 and 4 have confirmed a continuous mineralized breccia body that was known from historic drilling but poorly tested. The mineralized breccia has a NE-SW strike and is dipping steeply east.

Figure 1. http://www.inventusmining.com/s/Feb-24-Fig.pdf

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