It’s an exciting time in northwestern Ontario

It’s an exciting time in northwestern Ontario.
Multiple new mines are expected to open in the next few years and that means a major boost to the region’s economy.
Canadian Trade Ex is proud to bring you the Mining The Northwest virtual regional event. The event brings together stakeholders from a broad cross-section of the economy.
We have an incredible three days of events lined up. On day one we bring you “Challenges and Opportunities in the Mining Industry”, a full day of high profile speakers sponsored by the Thunder Bay Community Economic Development Commission and moderated by MNP.
On day two we’ve assembled an incredible array of participants that will connect educators, employers, and young people looking to start or advance their careers with our “Workforce Needs of Mining Companies & Local Training Opportunities for Mining” all-day session. This exciting day of activity is sponsored by Lakehead University, Confederation College and the North Superior Workforce Planning Board, all are important and strategic players in the region’s economic landscape.
Day three features the Indigenous INCLUSION DAY a First Nations Partnership Conference hosted and sponsored by the Anishnawbe Business Professional Association, with sessions addressing; Contributing to Sustainable Communities, Aboriginal Employment in Mining, Business And Economic Opportunities, & Environmental Practices.
That’s not all. We are also introducing a cutting-edge virtual exhibit platform that revolutionizes the way traditional trade show exhibitors and manufacturers, can showcase their equipment.
This web-based platform allows equipment manufacturers and junior miners the unprecedented ability to showcase their equipment and assets like drill core and geological models in stunning 3-dimensions. It’s not too late to participate in this remarkable trade show feature.
This is a first-to-market achievement that no other trade show provider has been able to accomplish.
At Canadian Trade Ex, we have a long history of connecting the right people with the right partner. It’s what we do. We’re proud of our three-decade track record of trade shows that connect buyers with sellers, job seekers with job-providers, and indigenous stakeholders with resource developers.
We look forward to meeting you virtually throughout these three days and we equally look forward to having this global pandemic in our rear-view mirror so we can meet in person in 2022.
In the meantime, get ready to enjoy the most comprehensive and innovative virtual event of the past two years. We feel like we’re just getting started, and Mining the Northwest is a milestone event that showcases all the northwest has to offer.
Registration is free and once registered your name goes into a draw to win 1 troy ounce of Gold. You must be in attendance to win the prize. You can pre-register and build your profile online at
Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Gold / All Articles