Kingsview Minerals initial drilling confirm targets at Echum Project near Wawa

"We are pleased that we were able to pierce the top of our VTEM and IP targets in our initial drilling," said James Macintosh, President and CEO.
"The presence of near-surface copper and zinc values confirm the Smoke target as a priority critical metals target for Phase 2 exploration at Echum. Our technical team also noted that some aspects of the wide mineralized section were visually similar to some of the known gold deposits in the area, such as Alamos' Island Gold Mine. This suggests that there is potential for the Echum Project to host significant gold and silver mineralization in addition to the identified copper and zinc in this initial limited drilling. Our first two drill holes only tested the top third of our 500-metre deep VTEM target, which also has a strike length of 800 metres. Interpreting the complex structures intersected in the drilling will help us build our geological knowledge of this very large, underexplored property. The Company has many additional targets for future exploration at the Echum Project."
Kingsview Minerals Ltd. has announced the first results from the recently completed initial drill program at its 13,056-hectare gold-silver and critical metals Echum Project in Wawa.
Initial drilling focused on testing the upper portions of the Smoke critical metal target, which was first identified through the 2021 airborne VTEM and 2023 IP surveys (Figure 2). The Smoke target had not been previously drill-tested, and Kingsview is pleased with the widespread occurrence of copper and zinc values as well as the occurrence of significant quartz veining, often a sign of the presence of regional scale deformation zones. Highlighted critical element assay results are summarized in the table below, including drill hole EC-23-002 which returned 0.07% copper (Cu) and 0.21% zinc (Zn) over 19 metres, including 0.09% Cu and 0.24% Zn over 11.5 metres.
Next Steps for Exploration at Echum Project
On the back of initial drilling results with encouraging copper and zinc values near or above the VTEM conductor, the Company has an extensive surface exploration plan to closely examine the gold and critical metals potential at Echum (Figure 3).
- Interpret Geology, Structure, and Mineralization Encountered in Drilling - A very wide structural zone with intense quartz veining and multiple sulphide minerals was encountered in the first two drill holes.
- Surface Exploration - The Company has outlined 35 additional field exploration targets to examine on the ground and have plans for a summer field program.
- IP Survey - The Company has plans to complete additional IP surveys to aid in further exploration and discovery of drill targets.
- Drill Program - The Company will use the information gathered to date and from the summer field program to continue to build solid drill targets and to build a database that will help the company shorten the exploration timelines to success.
The Company is committed to continue building its knowledge of the Echum Project. The favourable geological and structural setting of the area continues to be an exciting prospect for the discovery of gold, silver, and critical metals.
Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Gold / All Articles