KL Gold reports new high-grade intersections at Macassa Mine, extends mineralization of South Mine Complex

“Today’s drilling results at Macassa highlight the extensive potential that exists to add new Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources in the SMC, with high-grade intersections being reported outside of the existing deposit, to the east, south and north, as well as up and down dip," Tony Makuch, President and CEO of Kirkland Lake Gold, said.
"In addition, the new results also include high-grade intersections in the area where the SMC merges with the Amalgamated Break, as well as the identification of potential new high-grade lenses to the southeast and in the footwall of the main SMC structure. Of particular interest is the fact that, based on interpretations of the latest drilling, the SMC East mineralized structure appears to be swinging to the northeast in the direction of the large corridor of high-grade mineralization that we identified along the Main Break and announced last year. The convergence of these two structures would represent an extremely attractive exploration target and evaluating the projected area of convergence will be an important priority of ours in the future. We continue to target approximately 250,000 m of total drilling at Macassa in 2021, with eight underground drills and one surface drill currently in operation.”
Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd. today reported new drill results from 54 holes (20,773 m) of underground exploration drilling from the Macassa Mine in Kirkland Lake. Holes in the program were completed from new drill platforms located on the east side of the 5300 and 5800 levels and designed to confirm and expand Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources in the SMC zone to the east as well as up and down dip.
A total of 16 of the new holes (5,597 m) of drilling from the new program were drilled to test the potential eastward extension of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves in the SMC (Figure 1). Key intercepts from the drilling include: 589.5 gpt over 2.0 m, including 1,296.5 gpt over 0.9 m, from 53-4443, 25.1 gpt over 2.0 m, including 99.7 gpt over 0.5 m, from 53-4432, 16.4 gpt over 2.0 m, including 62.8 gpt over 0.5m, from 53-4431, 14.8 gpt over 2.0 m, including 64.2 gpt over 0.4 m, from 53-4444 and 13.0 gpt over 2.7 m, including 48.2 gpt over 0.3 m and 5.4 gpt over 2.0 m, from 53-4267. These intercepts are from holes drilled from the two furthest east drill platforms on the 5300 Level exploration drive. The holes intersected the SMC East trend between 80 and 180 m east of current Mineral Resources and in the general vicinity of a previously released intercept from hole AB-16-02, which intersected a value of 33.3 gpt over 2.0 m (see press release dated April 22, 2020).
These intercepts are believed to be related to new high-grade lenses occurring along the east extension of the SMC East Trend, with the overall trend appearing to be swinging slightly to the northeast towards the east portion of the previously announced corridor of high-grade mineralization identified along the Main Break (see press release dated April 22, 2020). The convergence of these two structures represents a high-potential target area for future drilling as drifting on the 5300 level continues to advance eastwards.
An additional 15 holes (5,987 m) of drilling from the new program were drilled to test the potential extension of mineralization up dip and into the footwall of the of current Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources in the SMC.
The majority of this drilling was completed from the 5300 Level and focused on a 150 m strike length in the central portion of the SMC East structure. Significant results from the drilling include: 258.1 gpt over 2.0 m, including 1688.2 gpt over 0.3 m, from 53-4140; 130.9 gpt over 2.0 m, including 858.8 gpt over 0.3 m, from 53-4330, 28.3 gpt over 2.0 m, including 39.7 gpt over 1.4 m, from 53-4287, 22.6 gpt over 2.0 m, including 49.7 gpt over 0.9 m, from 53-4211, 14.6 gpt over 2.0 m, including 95.4 gpt over 0.3 m, from 53-4388 and 10.1 gpt over 2.0 m from 53-3929. These holes extend the main target horizon up to approximately 100 m up dip and indicate the potential for new lenses of mineralization in the footwall of the main structure and continue to remain open for future expansion in both areas.
Additional drilling for this target was completed from a new drill platform on the 5800 Level located approximately 350 m to the west of the holes on the 5300 Level. Significant results include: 15.7 gpt over 2.0 m, from 58-552 and 21.5 gpt over 2.0 m, from 58-585, which tested the structure in this area up to 100 m up dip. Testing within the 350 m gap between these two new holes and others drilled on 5300 level is limited and considered to have significant potential for additional mineralization.
Another 23 holes (9,189 m) of drilling from the new program were drilled to test the exploration potential along the south margin and down-dip extension of mineralization from current Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources in the SMC.
The majority of these holes (15 holes for 5,871 m) were from platforms in the west and central portions of the target area where the SMC East structure appears to be merging with the Amalgamated Break. Significant intercepts from this drilling include: 38.9 gpt over 2.0 m, including 153.6 gpt over 0.3 m, from 53-4396, 31.7 gpt over 2.1 m, including 110.2 gpt over 0.4 m, from 53-4398, 21.4 gpt over 2.1 m, including 70.5 gpt over 0.6 m, and 8.8 gpt over 2.4 m from 53-4281, 19.8 gpt over 2.1 m, including 104.5 gpt over 0.3 m, and 8.7 gpt over 2.3 m from 53-4380 and 16.7 gpt over 2.0 m, including 69.0 gpt over 0.5 m, 10.3 gpt over 3.2 m, including 59.4 gpt over 0.3 m, and 7.4 gpt over 3.8 m, including 38.8 gpt over 0.5 m, from 53-4282. These holes tested the structure up to 75 m down dip from current Mineral Resources in the SMC, with the structure remaining open for further expansion.
The remaining eight holes (3,318 m) designed to test the south margin and down-dip extension of mineralization were drilled from a platform near the east limit of the 5300 Level where the SMC East Trend appears to swing to the northeast and be intersected by a northeast trending diabase dike. Significant results include: 101.7 gpt over 2.0 m, including 220.8 gpt over 0.9 m, from 53-4366, 69.3 gpt over 2.0 m, including 299.9 gpt over 0.5 m, and 11.3 gpt over 2.0 m from 53-4417, 49.3 gpt over 2.0 m, including 152.0 gpt over 0.6 m, from 53-4418 and 23.8 gpt over 2.0 m, including 77.5 gpt over 0.6 m, from 53-4056. The mineralization within these holes appears to be located in a new lens of mineralization located to the south of the main SMC East Trend where there appears to have been limited past testing.
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