LaSalle Defines Several IP Trends and samples up to 7.12 g/t Gold and 0.97% Copper at Egan

LaSalle Exploration Corp. has announced continuing progress of the comprehensive surface exploration program on the Egan Gold Property. Egan is strategically located in the heart of Ontario's Abitibi gold camp, central to operations in Timmins, Kirkland Lake and Matachewan, which collectively have produced greater than 115M oz gold1,2.
The Company reports several new discoveries including two that are proximal to the high grade E1 occurrence and a third located in a northwest trending shear zone in the E3 area with individual grab samples returning up to 7.12 g/t gold from prospecting. A total of 71 line-kilometres of induced polarization (IP) surveying was completed; preliminary analyses identified several anomalous chargeability trends interpreted to represent sulphide mineralization. Soil geochemical sampling was completed over the area surrounding the E1 target area and results are anticipated later this month.
- Discovery of E1 style mineralization in outcrop 300 metres northeast of the E1 Zone with grab samples up to 3.02 g/t gold
- Discovery of E3 style mineralization in outcrop 800 metres southwest of the E3 Zone that returned grab samples up to 7.12 g/t gold
- Discovery of anomalous copper in bedrock trend immediately north of the E3 Zone with grab samples up to 0.97% copper in sulphide mineralized gabbro
- A 700 metre long weak chargeability anomaly that parallels the E1 structural trend
- A 600 metre long high chargeability anomaly 1,200 metres south of, and parallel to, the E2 Zone
- Completion of 71 line-kilometres of pole dipole IP/resistivity survey; final results pending
Commented Ian Campbell, President and CEO of LaSalle, "We are pleased to have completed our first exploration program at Egan. We are particularly excited about the discovery of a parallel zone to the E1 target with similar syenite hosted gold mineralization and high-grade gold southwest of the E3 target, all of which continue to underscore the exploration potential of the Property. We are looking forward to the follow-up exploration program to further advance these targets."
E1 Zone
Prospecting and mapping discovered a new gold showing which may represent a parallel zone or possible faulted extension of the original E1 showing 300 metres to the north-northeast. This discovery trends 045 degrees and is characterized by strongly hematite altered syenite that hosts 3-5% quartz veins and 5-7% disseminated pyrite similar to the E1 occurrence. Grab samples returned values up to 3.02 g/t gold, with anomalous silver, lead and zinc, which is a similar geochemical signature to the E1 showing.
Sub-angular boulders of hematite altered syenite with 2-3% quartz veins and 1-2% pyrite were discovered over an area of 100 x 50 metres approximately 150 metres north-northwest of the E1 showing. Significantly, these boulders are considered to be very locally sourced and are up ice direction from E1 and therefore considered to represent a different source than E1. The grab samples from these boulders contain low level gold anomalism, up to 80 ppb, with anomalous silver, lead and zinc.
Twenty-five (25) line-kilometres of pole-dipole IP/resistivity survey was completed in this area. Preliminary analysis of the data suggests a weak, easterly trending chargeability anomaly which extends for 700 metres over four grid lines and parallels the E1 structural trend.
One hundred and twenty-eight (128) B-horizon soil samples were collected on the E1 grid at 200 metre spaced grid lines and 100 metre station spacing; results are pending.
E1 Zone Northeast Extension
Recent work in the north-eastern portion of the Property outlined an anomalous silver, lead and zinc geochemical signature over about 1,500 metres within the Bradley Lake syenite body. Importantly, this geochemical signature is similar to that of high-grade gold bearing E1 structure and suggests a possible 5 kilometre extension of the structure hosting the E1 style mineralization. This signature is also coincident with several structural features first identified by the combined LiDAR and airborne magnetic survey completed in the spring.
E2 Zone
Fifteen (15) line-kilometres of IP/resistivity was completed in this area. Preliminary analysis of the data suggests a high chargeability anomaly trending southeasterly and extending for over 600 metres within mafic volcanics and paralleling the contact with the Bradley Lake syenite, the E2 structure 1,200 metres to the north.
E3 Zone Extension
Prospecting and mapping discovered E3 style mineralization 800 metres to the southwest in a 50 metre long, 350 degree trending shear zone in mafic volcanics that hosted quartz veins with 1-3% pyrite. Grab samples returned up to 7.12 g/t gold with anomalous silver.
Thirty-one (31) line-kilometers of IP/resistivity was completed. Preliminary analysis of the data suggests three parallel, easterly trending, weak chargeability anomalies, which extend for 600 metres over three grid lines, east of the E3 occurrence. In addition, strong to moderate, easterly trending chargeability anomalies were outlined for 1,200 metres over six grid lines, in an area of intersecting structural features, 1,500 metres north of the E3 occurrence.
An anomalous, easterly trending copper in bedrock anomaly, was identified 400 metres north of the E3 Zone. This 1,200 metre long anomaly is located in a gabbro with 10-15% pyrite-chalcopyrite mineralization and contains up to 0.97% copper in grab samples.
Future Work
LaSalle is in the process of compiling and evaluating all the data collected over the 2021 exploration campaign with the objective of designing a follow-up program to further assess the targets outlined to date.
About the Egan Property
LaSalle optioned the Egan property in August 2020 based on the 2017 discovery of the E1 Zone when logging activities exposed a northeast trending shear zone with a well developed stockwork of quartz veins hosted in syenite. Sampling by the vendors of seventy-eight grab samples returned gold assay values ranging from 0.1 to 105.0 g/t gold with 15% of the samples returning over 10 g/t, including 105.0 g/t, 67.2 g/t and 47.6 g/t gold. Assays of nine grab samples by LaSalle ranged from 0.09 g/t to 63.70 g/t gold, including individual select grab samples yielding 63.70 g/t, 22.70 g/t and 4.70 g/t gold, while two composite chip samples returned 7.67 g/t gold over 3.0 metres and 2.80 g/t gold over 4.0 metres.
The E2 Zone, exposed in trenches dating from the 1920's, is located 3 km southeast of the E1 Zone and consists of a series of easterly trending, laminated quartz veins hosted by mafic metavolcanics near the contact with the Bradley Lake Syenite. Historic sampling (2018-2019) returned high grade gold assay values of 15.3 g/t, 16.6 g/t and 19.30 g/t gold.
Cautionary statement: Grab samples described above are selective by nature and reported grades might not be representative of more extensive mineralized zones.
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