LaSalle expands field program at Radisson
LaSalle Exploration Corp. reports that the field program initiated in July on the Radisson Property in the Eeyou Istchee - James Bay Territory has been expanded based on the delineation of several gold-in-soil geochemical anomalies along the southeastern area of the Property, highlighted by an individual soil sample that yielded 0.454 g/t gold. Field crews are back on site to conduct infill soil geochemical sampling, basal till sampling, geological and detailed structural mapping, and prospecting.
LaSalle President and CEO Ian Campbell stated, "We are impressed by the results of the initial orientation soil geochemical survey especially given its proximity to the strong gold-in-till anomalies and recent bedrock discoveries on the adjoining Harfang property to the south. Harfang has identified a very strong basal till gold anomaly just south of and down ice from the Radisson Property boundary. This anomaly has been described as one of the most significant in Canada by Stuart Averill of Overburden Drilling Management. Several of LaSalle's anomalies are coincident, or demonstrate a close spatial association, with moderate to strong induced polarization chargeability anomalies. As a result, and with our re-interpretation of the property's structural features from the summer program, we have extended our field program to expand the geochemical surveys and basal till sampling in areas of intersecting structures that have potential for hosting gold mineralization. In addition, we will complete detailed geological mapping in high priority areas defined by the summer program."
In July, a field program consisting of geological mapping, prospecting of IP geophysical targets, and soil and rock sampling was conducted on Radisson. A total of 233 soil samples were collected by SL Exploration Inc. of Val d'Or, QC. The survey focused on three separate grid areas along the southeastern portion of the Property, ranging in aerial extent from 1.2 x 0.6 kilometres to 2.0 x 1.0 kilometres, and along lines spaced at 100 metres with sample stations at 25 metres (Figure 1). B-horizon soil was targeted with 35% being the A- and C-horizons due to a lack of B-horizon in certain areas.
Figure 1
To view an enhanced version of Figure 1, please visit:
Results of the survey ranged from trace gold to a high of 454 ppb (0.454 g/t) gold in a B horizon soil sample. Overall, the program delineated five multi-station gold-in-soil anomalies from the B horizon, three of which show direct correlation to chargeability anomalies resulting from the OreVision widely-spaced reconnaissance geophysical survey conducted earlier this year (Figure 1). Several of the soil geochemical anomalies remain open for expansion. Three of the multi-station anomalies are on the westernmost sampling grid and near the southern border of the Property. This area is underlain by the interpreted extension of rock sequences which are host to several of Harfang's recent bedrock discoveries nearby. (Harfang Exploration Inc. ('Harfang"); ref. May 26, 2020, Harfang Presentation, 18 Forum Technologique, CONSOREM), Harfang NR September 22, 2020).
Geological mapping was successful in further resolving the bedrock geology and locating additional structurally complex areas favourable for hosting gold mineralization, which will be targeted during the current program. Mapping of the MM5, C4 and Eli Zones suggests that the majority of the nickel-copper mineralization discovered to date is hosted predominantly in metamorphosed amphibolite rock sequences, based on visual and chemical analyses, in contact with anorthositic intrusive and ultramafic rocks. Base metal mineralization was most likely remobilized from the adjacent or local ultramafic units. Geochemical analyses in ultramafic rocks adjacent to these zones did reveal localized nickel depletion.
Soil samples reported above were delivered to ALS of Val d'Or, a certified and accredited laboratory service provider, for sample preparation, with analyses being carried out by ALS in Vancouver. All soil samples were prepared using procedure AuME-ST44 50g Super Trace and Multi-Element (dry at 60 degrees C and sieve 100g at -80 mesh) and analyzed by aqua regia digestion and ICP-MS analysis. No standards or blanks were inserted by LaSalle. ALS routinely inserts certified gold standards, blanks and pulp duplicates, and results of all ALS QA/QC samples are reported. The standard, blank and duplicate samples used by ALS were considered sufficient QA/QC for LaSalle's sample analysis.
Field Work and COVID-19 Protocols
Field work for the expanded program will be undertaken from late September through October. LaSalle employees and contractors will work according to a protocol defining the measures and constraints to be adopted in order to limit the risks associated with COVID-19, ensuring the health and safety of everyone involved in the project.
About the Property
The 4,450-hectare, 100% owned Property is located in the Eeyou-Itschee-James Bay Territory of Québec along the highly prospective regional contact between the La Grande and Opinaca geological Sub-Provinces. This structural setting has proven to be highly favourable for gold mineralization and hosts the Eleonore Mine (Newmont) and the Cheechoo deposit (Sirios Resources) to the southeast and the La Pointe deposit (Québec Precious Metals) to the northeast. Radisson is easily accessible via the main north-south James Bay paved road 1.5 kilometres to the west.
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