LaSalle Provides Radisson Exploration and Corporate Update
LaSalle Exploration Corp. is providing the following update on its exploration activities on the Radisson Property, located in the Eeyou Istchee - James Bay Territory in Québec. The planned 84-kilometre (km) induced polarization ("IP") geophysical survey announced in late January (see January 27, 2021 NR) has been completed on schedule along with a detailed 90-kilometre ground magnetic survey, the data from which will be incorporated into target selection for this season's diamond drill program.
The survey targeted three areas, the largest being where the west-northwesterly trending, gold bearing Stu Structural Corridor ("SSC") projects onto the Radisson Property, and contains the Goldhawk and the Goldfang high-grade gold discoveries made by LaSalle in late 2020 (NR Dec 7, 2020). This area is considered highly favourable for gold mineralization as it occurs where several prominent, regional structural features converge: the west-northwesterly trending SSC as well as a series of east-west trending structures.
The Goldhawk Zone is exposed over an area of 100 metres (m) by 50 m and contains anomalous to high-grade gold from grab samples of quartz veins hosted in diorite with values ranging from 1.55 grams per tonne (g/t) to the highest grades of 36.71 g/t and 64.50 g/t gold. Grab samples taken in the biotite-altered diorite host with no quartz veins but with 1% to 4% fine-grained disseminated pyrite and pyrrhotite also returned higher grade assays of 6.72 g/tand 9.30 g/t gold. The Goldfang Zone, located 2.5 km east of Goldhawk, returned anomalous to high-grade copper and gold from grab samples, along with mineralization consisting of semi-massive sulphide horizons of pyrite (5% to 15%), chalcopyrite (2% to 5%) and bornite (1%) that locally contain quartz veins. Assay values range from 1.01 g/t to 5.93 g/t gold, and up to 48 g/t silver and 2.34% copper hosted in diorite and in close proximity to amphibolite. Both zones remain open along strike and width.
The geophysical surveys also covered: the Wisht target area which occurs 2 km along strike to the west of the Goldhawk Zone at the intersection of the west-northwesterly trending SSC and the east-west trending Serpent ultramafic body; and the 1,500 m of strike length further west along the southern half of the Property. This area includes the Taramac, South Flank and Leo mineralized occurrences which have returned grab samples grading up to 4.17 g/t gold, 3.36% copper and 21.20 g/t silver. Limited prospecting late last year also discovered zones of sericite schist interpreted by the Company to be favourable structures to host gold mineralization. These areas, along with several others, are targeted for systematic exploration in the upcoming field season.
Planning for the upcoming field season is well underway. The recently completed geophysical surveys are being merged with the existing database and interpreted in order to prioritize drill targeting. In addition, an assessment of the structural measurements taken on the Property will be completed in order to better define structural domains. The IP and structural anomalies will then be used, in conjunction with the magnetic, historic airborne electromagnetic and mineralized bedrock anomalies, to enhance and better define the gold mineralized structures on the property.
Corporate Update
LaSalle recently completed raising $2M in flow-through funds and is well positioned to carry out its planned exploration programs including its first diamond drill program at Radisson in Québec, as well as continuing to advance the high-grade gold Blakelock and Egan properties in Ontario.
LaSalle is also pleased to announce the launch of a new website ( along with a social media and marketing campaign. Interested parties can now follow LaSalle on the following social media platforms:
- LinkedIn:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
An updated corporate presentation can be downloaded on the Company website.
The Company would like to thank First Phase Media Inc. for their contributions. First Phase was engaged until January 6, 2022 to provide marketing services including creating a new website, assist in social media campaigns & marketing, online banner ads and custom content creation.
Field Work and COVID-19 Protocols
The health and safety of the staff at site, and the communities in which the company operates, is of paramount importance to LaSalle. All employees and contractors work according to the most recent government of Quebec protocols on COVID-19 restrictions, which define the measures and constraints to be adopted in order to limit the risks associated with COVID-19, ensuring the health and safety of everyone involved in the project.
Tags: Quebec / Operational Updates / Gold / All Articles