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Macdonald Mines finds more gold near Sudbury

Mar 22, 2021

“The results from the 2020 program continue to support the Company’s geological model that has the Scadding Deposit extending at depth, as well as showing that gold mineralization continues within the 100-metre zone between the historical Scadding underground mine and the South Pit," said Mia Boiridy, President and CEO. 

MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd. has announced results from the last 7 holes from its 2020 drilling program at Scadding on its 100% owned SPJ Project, 20 kilometres east of Sudbury. Highlights include 4.97g/t gold over 3.03 metres, including 15.7g/t over 0.95 metres and significant cobalt mineralization over the same interval. The company also reports that it has completed 9 of 10 planned diamond drill holes at the Jovan property, 9 kilometres east of Scadding and that assays are pending. Following drilling at Jovan, the drill rig will be mobilized to Alkin-Glade, a target identified by the 2020 IP survey, approximately 1 kilometre south of Scadding, with drilling expected to commence shortly.

"We will continue the systematic exploration of what we believe to be a large, modified IOCG system at the SPJ Project.  For 2021, MacDonald Mines will focus exploration on three areas: 

  1. Continued drilling around, downdip and extensions of Scadding, including Alkin-Glade, 
  2. Exploration and drilling at the Alwin area, 5 kilometres north of Scadding,
  3. Drilling at Jovan, approximately 9 kilometres east of Scadding. 

 We will have a full year of drilling and exploration in 2021, expanding the program to 3 separate areas covering a substantially larger footprint spanning several kilometres at the SPJ Project.”

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