Magna Mining Announces New Assay Results From 2023 Diamond Drilling at Crean Hill, Sudbury, Ontario

Magna Mining released encouraging drill results from Crean Hill. Hole MCR-023-013 today from the 109 Footwall Zone at Crean Hill, the second positive results since November 2022.
Both the current results and the November, 2022 results recorded high grade semi massive / massive sulphides containing nickel and copper. In addition to his, both holes reported PGM intervals of over 90m in length where the mineralization included extremely high grade sections of between 20 and 37 g/t TPM's (Platinum, Palladium and Gold) over intervals of between 5 and 7 metres.
High-grade near surface intercepts in the 109 Footwall zone included 2.4% Nickel, 4.3% Copper, 37.2 g/t Platinum, Palladium and Gold over 5.1 m. So far, 14 holes have been drilled at Crean Hill since the start of the year, and these are the first three Magna has received back from the assay lab.
The company indicated that the other important conclusion to draw from their results, aside from the high grades, is the proximity to surface of the mineralization. Magna is currently undertaking detailed studies to examine the possibility of undertaking a bulk sample from surface within the next 9 months to better understand the footwall zone mineralization and plan for future commercial production.
Magna intends to process the bulk sample through one of the existing third party mills in Sudbury, which once again highlights the enviable and unique benefits of operating in such a world class nickel mining jurisdiction.
A second drill rig has now been commissioned at Crean Hill for further drilling.
Magna Mining is an exploration and development company focused on nickel, copper and PGM projects in the Sudbury Region of Ontario, Canada. The Company’s flagship assets are the past producing Shakespeare and Crean Hill Mines. The Shakespeare mine has major permits for the construction of a 4,500 tonne per day open pit mine, processing plant and tailings storage facility and is surrounded by a contiguous 180km2 prospective land package. Crean Hill is a past producing nickel, copper and PGM mine with an updated technical report, prepared in accordance with NI 43-101, dated August 2022.
For further information contact
Jason Jessup, CEO Magna Mining Inc.
Paul Fowler Senior Vice President Magna Mining Inc.

Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Metals / All Articles