Mayfair Gold Drills 241.1m at 1.67 g/t Gold from Near Surface at Fenn-Gib Project, Timmins

Mayfair Gold Corp. has announce further drill results from the ongoing 50,000-meter (m) Phase 1 drill program at the Fenn-Gib project. Resource infill and expansion drilling is being supported by four drill rigs with 17,220m completed to date in 24 holes.
Mayfair Gold President and CEO Patrick Evans commented: “We are seeing outstanding results from the Fenn-Gib drill program. Hole FG21-155, drilled in the main Fenn-Gib zone, has returned 1.67 grams per tonne (g/t) gold (Au) over 241.1m from a downhole depth of just 11.5m. Testing of the higher-grade Footwall Zone is continuing and a fourth drill rig has started expansion drilling to the east of the Fenn-Gib deposit.”
Mr. Evans added: “Mayfair’s exploration crew has identified multiple historical surface trenches a short distance to the north of the Fenn-Gib deposit which are believed to be the surface expressions of the higher-grade Footwall Zone. Mineralization in the Footwall Zone has confirmed downhole widths of over 50m up to 500m below surface. Ongoing drilling is now testing the lateral extent of the Footwall Zone, which has the potential to host significant higher-grade gold tonnage beyond the current resource.”
The Phase 1 drill program is principally designed to identify additional gold mineralization, both within and below the current conceptual open pit. The current Fenn-Gib mineral resource is located only within the conceptual open pit. Numerous previous drill holes in the upper Fenn-Gib deposit did not drill through the entire mineralized stratigraphy, with some holes ending in mineralization. The infill drill program within the current conceptual open pit is designed to identify additional mineralization and upgrade Inferred resources to Indicated resources.
Previous limited drilling by Lake Shore Gold identified gold mineralization within the footwall mafic volcanics immediately to the north of the Fenn-Gib deposit in drill holes FG11-04, 05, 07 and 08. Drilling by Mayfair has now confirmed the presence of a higher-grade Footwall Zone in hole FG21-139. The higher-grade gold mineralized intervals in the Footwall Zone include:
- FG21-139 intersected 1.94 g/t Au over 38m from a downhole depth of 529m, including 4.06 g/t Au over 15mand 6.45 g/t Au over 6m;
- FG11-04 intersected 3.54 g/t over 10m;
- FG11-05 intersected 3.93 g/t Au over 53m;
- FG11-07 intersected 4.03 g/t Au over 3m; and
- FG11-08 intersected 2.81 g/t Au over 16.8m, including 4.50 g/t Au over 5.7m.
The Footwall Zone mineralization is not included in the current Fenn-Fib resource and is a priority target in Mayfair’s Phase 1 drill campaign. Drill holes are typically longer than 600m allowing for both the main Fenn-Gib zone and the Footwall Zones to be tested in the same holes.
Following confirmation to depth of the Footwall Zone, Mayfair’s exploration crews were deployed to determine if there are surface expressions of this mineralization. Trenches have been identified immediately to the north of the Fenn-Gib deposit, which are believed to date from before the 1970s. This trenching occurs along a northeasterly trending shear zone with disseminated sulphides, quartz veins and silica-albite-carbonate alteration. The results from the recently completed high-resolution MAG survey confirm the existence of a northeasterly trending structural zone.
Mayfair has cleared the vegetation from these trenches, which strike up to 25m in length. Photographs of the trenches can be found on Mayfair’s website at
Similar trenches have also been identified at the Horseshoe Zone, Talisman Shaft, American Eagle Shaft (all to the west of the Fenn-Gib deposit), and at the Johns Manville Zone to the northeast of Fenn-Gib. Mineralization at all these areas is very similar, consisting of bleached, buff-altered pillowed mafic volcanic ranging from 2% to over 20% fine pyrite. A total of 88 rock samples have been submitted for assaying.
Drill Results
Although 24 holes have been drilled to date, full assay results have been received for only the first ten—six of which were reported in the June 1, 2021 news release (Holes FG21-135 to 140 inclusive). Full results for a further four full holes (FG21-141, 142, 144 and 145) and one partial hole (FG21-155) are summarized in Table 1 below. Visible gold has been noted during core logging in hole FG21-158 at 411.9m and hole FG21-161 at 178.5m and 179.6m. Hole FG21-161 was drilled on the same section and above hole FG21-158 within the Footwall stratigraphy north of the Fenn-Gib deposit.
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