Metals Creek Hits Gold in Deepest Known Drill Hole at The Dona Lake Gold Mine, Increases Drilling to 5,000 Meters
Metals Creek Resources Corp. has announced diamond drill results for the first three drill holes from the ongoing phase II diamond drill program at the Dona Lake Gold project near Pickle Lake.
Hole DL20-004 returned the deepest intercept to date at the past producing Dona Lake Gold mine based on currently available data. This hole penetrated the Main Zone at approximately 573m below surface and returned a core length intercept of 5.31 grams per tonne (g/t) gold (Au) over 6.65 meters (m) (607.25-613.9). This was a part of a broader zone of mineralization of 3.64 g/t Au over 11.75 m (607.25-619.0m) (See Table Below). Mineralization is hosted within silicate-sulfide iron formation and characterized by stringer to disseminated pyrrhotite ranging from 3 to 20% with local pyrite and as well as sections of silicate-oxide iron formation. Alteration includes strong silicification with local quartz veining and locally moderate to strong grunerite, hornblende and biotite in conjunction with local folding.
Hole DL20-006 was collared to test the continuation of gold mineralization immediately south of Dona Lake mine workings at approximately 183m vertically. The first zone, which is interpreted to be the Main Zone, returned a core length intercept of 1.13 g/t Au over 16.90 m (222.9-239.8m), Included in this intercept is 6.17 g/t Au over 1m where three 0.5mm sized flakes of Visible Gold (VG) was noted (See attached Photos). A second zone of mineralization interpreted to be the "B" Zone, returned a down hole intercept of 2.21 g/t Au over 11.85 m (252.90-264.75m), included in this intercept is 7.25 g/t Au over 1.97m (262.78-264.75m). Mineralization is hosted within silicate-sulfide iron formation and characterized by stringer to semi-massive pyrrhotite ranging from 3 to 40% with local pyrite. Magnetite is also present within sections of banded silicate-oxide iron formation. Alteration includes strong silicification with associated quartz veining and locally moderate to strong grunerite, garnet and biotite with local folding.
DL20-005 was collared to test 190m vertically from surface and also located south of the Dona Lake Mine workings. The hole ran through a fault zone and did not intersect the targeted gold hosting horizon.
In addition to these results, the Corporation would also like to announce an increase in the planned meterage from the previously announced (See News Release November 18, 2020) diamond drill program of 2500m to 5000m based on encouraging results to date. A large portion of this program will focus on deeper portions of mineralization between levels 360 to 455 as well as further expanding on mineralization returned from holes DL20- 003, (See News Release September 15, 2020) and hole DL20-004 both of which are below existing mine workings.
Tags: Northern Ontario / Exploration / Gold / All Articles