Metals Creek Reports New High-Grade Gold Discovery as well as 5.21 g/t au over 14.80m at Dona Lake

Metals Creek Resources Corp. has announced drill results for three holes from the ongoing phase II diamond drill program at the Dona Lake Gold project.
While targeting Main Zone, drill hole DL21-007 intersected new high grade near surface mineralization within reddish-brown biotite altered mafic volcanics with associated quartz veining, pyrite mineralization and visible gold. The reddish-brown biotite alteration is potentially indicative of high temperature hydrothermal alteration. Very fine visible gold was noted within the quartz vein material. Quartz veining makes up approximately 60 percent of the intercept. This new zone (QV Zone) returned a core length intercept of 23.48 grams per tonne (g/t) gold (Au) over 1.72 meters (m) (57.35 - 59.07m). Based on available information, no surface diamond drilling appears to have occurred within this portion of the property, leaving this zone open both along strike and down dip. At this time, there is insufficient data to determine an orientation of this new zone.
Hole DL21-007 continued to intercept Main Zone at approximately 390m below surface and returned a core length intercept of 5.21g/t Au over 14.80m (434.45 - 449.25m). This was a part of a broader zone of mineralization of 3.88g/t Au over 23.08m (427.02 - 450.10m). (See Table of significant results Below). Mineralization is hosted within silicate-sulfide iron formation and characterized by stringer to disseminated pyrrhotite ranging from 3 to 20% with local pyrite as well as sections of silicate-oxide iron formation. Alteration includes strong silicification with local quartz veining and locally moderate to strong grunerite, hornblende and biotite in conjunction with locally strong folding. This intercept is located south of the mine workings between the 360 and 455 level. B-Zone was also intercepted returning a core length intercept of 4.89g/t Au over 4.00m (460.00 - 464.00m). This intercept consisted of mainly 2 to 10% pyrrhotite and 1% pyrite within a silicate-sulfide iron formation.
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