Midland Exploration Inc. Looks for Nickel South of Ungava Bay, Quebec in Partnership With BHP

Midland Exploration Inc began a major exploration program for nickel in Nunavik, Quebec. The Papavoine Project is located southeast of Ungava Bay in northeastern Quebec.
This new program totalling C$3,400,000 will be conducted under a strategic alliance signed in August 2020 between Midland’s wholly owned subsidiary, Midland Base Metals Inc., and Rio Algom Limited, wholly owned subsidiary of BHP Group PLC.
The program follows on exploration work carried out from 2020 to 2022 during which new Nickel (Ni)-Copper (Cu) and Cobalt (Cobalt) mineral occurrences were discovered.
The nickel portion of the exploration program is focused on mafic intrusive rocks with troctolite/olivine gabbro compositions similar to those in Voisey’s Bay (southeast of Papavoine), but have historically received far less exploration in Quebec, despite the discovery of several past Ni-Cu-Co prospects and occurrences in the area.
The 2023 exploration program focuses on a major crustal-scale structure that has been identified in the regional magneto-telluric (MT) surveys performed in 2022. This structure, previously poorly recognised, is deemed favorable for nickel-copper mineralization.
The 2023 program will consist of a 1,534 samples lake sediment survey, an airborne Z-Tipper axis electromagnetic survey (“ZTEM”) as well as two phases of mapping and prospecting scheduled to take place next July and August.
The Papavoine Ni-Cu-Co prospect, discovered in 2000 and currently held by Midland and BHP through the agreement, graded up to 0.63% Ni, 0.31% Cu and 0.04% Co over 6.6 metres in channel samples (see Midland’s press release dated August 12, 2021). Approximately 20 kilometres southeast of Papavoine, the Mantas intrusion yielded grades up to 0.48% Ni, 0.21% Cu and 0.06% Co over 0.7 metre in channel sample (see Midland’s press release dated August 12, 2021).
In 2022, work by Midland and BHP also confirmed an additional area with strong potential, called Target 22. Grab samples at Target 22 returned up to 0.81% Ni, 0.22% Cu and 0.19% Co.
In July 2023, Midland Exploration will undertake a Lake sediment survey and ZTEM electromagnetic survey that will consist of approximately 1534 samples to cover the crustal-scale structure identified in the 2022 MT survey. The lake sediment survey will be analyzed by a portable XRF device so that field follow-up of anomalies can be done during the prospecting campaigns.
A Z-Tipper axis electromagnetic survey (ZTEM) will also be done on the crustal-scale structure. The survey will help define the location and orientation of the structure near the surface as well as potentially identify conductive features that could be caused by nickel-copper mineralization.
Also scheduled for July and running through August, is a two-phase prospecting and mapping program at the Nunavik property. These field programs will mainly target the crustal-scale structure, and more specifically any nickel-copper lake sediment anomalies or ZTEM anomalies.
A budget of C$3.4 million has been approved for the 2023 prospecting campaign, ZTEM and lake sediment surveys.
Midland prefers to work in partnership and intends to quickly conclude additional agreements regarding newly acquired properties. Management is currently reviewing other opportunities and projects to build up the corporation portfolio and generate shareholder value.
Midland Exploration is also exploring for lithium in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay area of Quebec. Four Midland projects, namely Komo, Galinee, Shire and Mythril Regional, were recently identified as highly prospective for their lithium potential based on striking geological similarities with adjacent lithium discoveries and compelling occurrences of lithium (Li), tantalum (Ta) and/or beryllium (Be) in historical rock sampling. Further to the south in Quebec, Midland through its Abitibi Discovery Drilling Program, is also exploring for gold in the Malartic-Cadillac area consisting of the Patris, Heva, Laflamme JV and Adam projects.
For further information, please consult Midland’s website or contact:
Gino Roger, President and Chief Executive Officer
Tel.: 450 420-5977
Fax: 450 420-5978
Email: info@midlandexploration.com
Website: www.midlandexploration.com

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