Mining industry enters a new golden era

We’ve learned the hard way, stated US President Biden in a press conference recently. “When we rely on just-in-time supply chains that circle the globe, then we are significantly vulnerable to disruptions and delays.” This drives up costs and shortages both here in the USA and in Canada. We are both feeling the disruptions he went on to say. Biden continued by saying, “but there is a better way as our two nations are blessed with incredible amounts of natural resources.
Canada in particular has large quantities of Critical Minerals that are essential for a clean energy future, for the worlds clean energy future.” The President concluded, “I believe there are incredible opportunities to work together so Canada and the United States can source and supply here in North America everything we need.”
As we approach this multi-generational opportunity, we must work in harmony with not only our neighbors to the south but our First Nation communities and the elders from these communities in where these potential discoveries belong. As protectors of the land they hold a lot of pressure and we should be grateful and respectful for what they have done and do to protect this land.
It is important to consult with the indigenous partners from the beginning and to include all First Nation communities in all discussions when it comes to developing these mining projects. Transparency goes a long way and out of respect it is the way to move forward.
Entering a new Golden era!
It took a desperate move by the president of the United States to give the Canadian gold mining industry, and especially Timmins, a shot in the arm. On Feb. 1 1934, Franklin D. Roosevelt jumped the price of gold from US$20.67 to US$35 an ounce. The country, as was the world, was in the midst of the worst Depression in recorded history.
In 1933, the U.S. government had decreed its citizens could not purchase or hold gold. Roosevelt wanted to restore confidence in the financial system and get the economy moving again.
That action triggered the Second Golden Era for Timmins. It takes time to get a gold mine from discovery to production but there were many known deposits in the Timmins area that could be profitable at $35 an ounce.
In the period 1936-41, 10 gold mines opened up in and around Timmins. It must be stated that gold mines were always opening and closing but the gold price increase was an external stimulus that caused a huge burst of activity in the exploration and development fields.
The new mines were not giants in the class of the Big Three of the First Golden Era, the Dome, Hollinger and McIntyre, but they made a significant contribution to the local, provincial and federal economies.
Today we are entering the Third Golden Era and we cannot miss this opportunity. With gold and precious metals being strong commodities and with the need for nickel, lithium, cobalt, copper, etc. (the critical minerals required) to meet the global EV demands and clean energy future, Canada’s mining industry is sitting in good position.
The shift to this new golden era will lengthen the life of the mines and of the communities dependent upon them, create new mines, increase employment of labour and give the workers better wages, established towns and cities and in short every department of human activity will be stimulated. The time for action is now and the Canadian Mining Expo is the place to be on June 6-8. Timmins is playing host to one of Canada’s largest ever mining showcases. The event features over 400 displays. Northern Ontario’s mining industry is featured through displays, two days of conferences and the networking functions during the expo.
See you all there.
Register online today as tickets are limited. Lunch is included. Call 705-264-2251 to order yours or order them online at
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