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Mining Life welcomes Stephane Villeneuve to our writing department

Nov 13, 2020

Mining Life welcomes Stephane Villeneuve to our writing department.

We look forward to being part of Stephane's writing journey and sharing his editorial submissions on our MiningLifeOnline.net community portal and our quarterly Mining Life & Exploration News Magazine.

We would like to share a small bio on Stephane.

I have always had a curious nature to myself.

At an early age I questioned the world around me, never satisfied with “that’s just the way it is” and “Don’t worry about that”.  I sought to find all the answers I could, in hopes that one day I would know it all.  Like a dragon hoarding gold coins, I would sit atop my pile of knowledge and be satisfied, only realizing later that knowledge doesn’t really work like that.

Knowledge changes day to day, and what might seem an immutable part of reality today might be considered wrong tomorrow, what might be commonplace might be looked upon with ridicule by future generations and what is important to some is meaningless to others.

So how do you stay ahead of it all?

In a world constantly shifting and changing, with disinformation at an all time high, with nearly all the world's information at your fingertips, and 8 billion minds all clamouring for answers, how do you stay informed without being drowned by the weight of the world?

I have no idea. But I will see what I can do about it!

Working closely with mininglifeonline.net I will look to answer questions important to the mining and exploration communities operating in Ontario. From green technologies to aerial magnetic surveys to improvements in safety, I will seek out innovations with a critical eye and an inquisitive nature. With a decade working in mineral exploration I feel confident of my ability to ask the questions that matter to the mining and exploration communities at large, and I look forward to doing my best to make a small part of this world a little less confusing.

If you have an article you would like published online or would like to work with Stephane on introducing a new product or service, he will gladly take your email submissions. Stephane will be working on building a comprehensive and updated Ring of Fire Information Centre online through the MiningLifeOnline Community Portal and welcomes all submissions from all stakeholders. Submit all article emails to s.villeneuve@canadiantradex.com

Tags: Northern Ontario / Ring of Fire / Minerals / All Articles