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Learning Hydraulics On a Tablet

Apr 26, 2021

  LunchBox Sessions is a completely new e-Learning platform that works equally well for self-directed
learning, or supporting a dynamic, instructor-led classroom session. With deep roots in hands-on,
on-site technician training, CD Industrial has challenged the very notion of what computer-based
training can accomplish.
  LunchBox Sessions has created training that looks like nothing else in the industrial world. Rather than
sitting back and struggling to stay awake, users control the pace of their learning. Hydraulic systems
come alive, with the learner at the machinery controls. Valves shift, flow paths light up, cylinders move
and motors spin. Learners practice real-world skills such as valve adjustment in the safety of a virtual
environment, and gain confidence through safe and correct repetition.
  LunchBox Sessions allows students to move at their own pace, and encourages them to explore freely and even experiment wildly. The rich library of lessons, simulations, videos, puzzles, quizzes, and their signature Live Schematics lends itself equally well to self-taught progression or instructor-led classroom use. Most lessons are short enough to be completed in one sitting, so they are easily incorporated into a daily or weekly training program.
  Quizzes with randomized question selection and answer ordering can be taken as many times as desired. This reflects a far more realistic attitude towards training; students learn continuously, in digestible chunks, according to their need. Learning institutions are moving away from training that follows the rigid lecture models in traditional schooling and education. Instead, flexible, mastery-based learning helps students make real progress in knowledge and skill.
  No special hardware or software is needed. LunchBox Sessions runs on standard browsers and loads
quickly on mobile devices including tablets. For corporate clients that need LMS integration, custom data transfer solutions are offered. LunchBoxSessions.com is also a design and hosting service for companies that wish to have technical learning content and Live Schematics built for their specific machines, systems and objectives. These materials are accessed in a private space together with all of the standard content.
  Online learning has additional features that the classroom alone can’t match. Since LunchBox Sessions
is always available, it lends itself extremely well to “just-in-time” training. For the solo night shift technician with complex diagnostic work to be done at 3:00 am, or for the team member in a different
time zone who needs to work and train independently, this library of powerful animations and learning
tools is ready to train whenever and wherever you are.
Check it out for yourself, and try out the free content.

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