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Northstar boosts size of Kirkland Lake District land package

Nov 2, 2020

Northstar Gold Corp. has acquired the Rosegrove Property, 16 km south of the town of Kirkland Lake and Kirkland Lake Gold's Macassa SMC gold mine. the Rosegrove is also 1.5 kilometres northwest of Northstar's flagship Miller Gold Property, where the company recently completed a 5,023 metre, 28 hole diamond drill program targeting near-surface high-grade and bulk-tonnage gold-telluride mineralization.  

About the Rosegrove Property 

The Rosegrove Property consists of 19 contiguous mining claims containing 52 cells, represents an area of about 1,200 ha and is situated immediately north of the historic Boston Creek Gold Camp. The acquisition of the Rosegrove Property more than doubles Northstar's Boston Creek area land package, which now totals 2,300 ha - see Figure 1 below. 

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Figure 1. Northstar Gold Corp. Kirkland Lake Properties

To view an enhanced version of Figure 1, please visit:

Property Geology

The Rosegrove claims overlay the same northwest-orientated mafic and intermediate volcanic rock package that hosts significant gold-telluride mineralization at the Miller Gold Property, including a belt of tuffaceous and volcanic fragmental rocks and evidence of syenite and porphyry intrusives. The Property has several shear zones, faults and splays which may be related to the highly prospective First Order Catharine Fault Structure and the Pacaud and Boston Faults. 

Previous Exploration

The Rosegrove claims are overlain by clay, sand and glacial deposits that has hampered previous exploration efforts in the area. Previous work on an adjacent property in 1981 by Marshall Boston Iron Mines Limited reported drill intersections as high as 0.60 oz/ton over 2.62 feet. This mineralized zone is apparently open to the south and may extend onto the Rosegrove Property. 

Exploration Potential

The Rosegrove Property is situated over a geological and structural setting known to host significant gold-telluride mineralization and as such, represents a quality exploration property acquisition. Modern day remote sensing and geophysical survey techniques represent a proven means to detect blind gold deposits masked by glacial cover in similar settings. Northstar plans to conduct a drone magnetometer and LIDAR survey over the Rosegrove Property in early 2021.

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