Northstar surveys identify multiple targets at Rosegrove Property

Northstar Gold Corp. announces results from recently completed LiDAR and MMI (Mobile Metal Ion) soil surveys at the Company's 100%-owned, 1,150 hectare Rosegrove Property (Figure 1), situated immediately northwest of Northstar's Miller Copper-Gold Property and 13 kilometres south of the town of Kirkland Lake.
The primary objective of the Rosegrove LiDAR and MMI surveys was to substantiate exploration potential for gold and critical mineral deposits in areas with favorable geology and sparse outcrop, particularly along the Pacaud Fault Zone and northwest strike extensions of the Boston Creek Copper Trend.
A 2021 property-wide UAV magnetic survey (Northstar News Release dated July 29, 2021) and the recent Rosegrove LiDAR and MMI surveys have delineated multiple coincidental magnetic, structural and soil geochemical gold anomalies (up to 17 times background) associated with the regional first-order Pacaud Fault Zone, and two distinct copper trends and zinc anomalies (up to 122 times background) in Pacaud Assemblage metavolcanics. Pacaud Assemblage rocks host the volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) horizons recently confirmed by Northstar's Cam Copper Mine drill program (Northstar News Release dated November 23, 2023) on the adjacent Miller Copper-Gold Property. (Figure 1)
The Rosegrove LiDAR and MMI surveys were partially funded by a recently awarded Ontario Junior Exploration Program (OJEP) critical minerals exploration grant of $80,532.50 from the Ontario Ministry of Mines. Grant proceeds cover up to 50% of Northstar's eligible, 2023-2024 critical minerals exploration expenditures at the Rosegrove Property. (Northstar News Release dated December 18, 2023).
"Early-stage mineral exploration and target definition in highly prospective, drift covered areas is a lengthy process that requires a methodical, integrated approach utilizing proven techniques that include MMI, UAV magnetics and LiDAR surveys. Northstar is pleased with the number and magnitude of coincidental anomalies that clearly support the premise for gold and/or critical minerals deposit(s) occurring at Rosegrove," states George Pollock, Northstar's VP of Exploration. "Northstar plans to ground truth these new exploration targets this coming summer by geological mapping, prospecting, sampling and trenching."
MMI Soil Survey Results - Highly Anomalous Responses Showing Gold and VMS Potential
The Rosegrove MMI soil survey has identified 4 significant gold anomalies (Figure 2 - Areas A, B, C, D) associated with the regional Pacaud Fault Zone. Anomalies with a "response ratio" up to 17 times background have been identified proximal to the fault zone, often associated with parallel or splay structures within the larger deformation corridor. Several other elements known to correlate closely with gold in the Kirkland Lake camp and the Miller Copper-Gold Property, including Mo, Pb and Bi, also produced isolated but highly anomalous response ratios of 217, 49 and 16 respectively, proximal to the Pacaud Fault Zone. This suggests the northwest striking deformation corridor represents a conduit for gold-bearing hydrothermal fluids with possible deposition of gold into second order structures or alkaline intrusive centres.
Several critical minerals anomalies (Figure 3 - Areas A, B and E) have also been identified by the MMI survey associated with the Pacaud Fault Zone and Pacaud Assemblage metavolcanics in the south portion of the Rosegrove Property. Copper anomalies correspond with two distinct trends with a northern northwest striking trend (Areas B and E) correlating with the northeastern flank of the Pacaud Fault Zone, including one coincidental gold anomaly (Area B - Figures 2 and 3). A southern copper trend correlates strongly with zinc which produced a response ratio 122 times above background in the southern part of the Rosegrove Property (Figure 3 and 4 - Area A).
Anomalous Fe and Ti response ratios, indicative of magnetite mineralization proximal to Area A Cu and Zn anomalies may represent footwall stringer type mineralization, similar to that observed at the nearby Cam Copper Mine. Area A sample D00434803 produced highly anomalous responses in Au, Ag, Cu and Zn, indicating potential for gold-rich VMS mineralization. These results are strongly suggestive that volcanogenic exhalite horizons with possible polymetallic VMS lenses are present in the south portion of the survey grid, within or along the contact with Pacaud assemblage metavolcanics. This rock assemblage hosts the former producing Boston Creek Copper Trend - Amity, Patterson and Cam Copper mines, 3.5 kilometres south of the Rosegrove Property.
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