Ontario government launches unique exploration data tool

The Ontario government has launched a first-of-its-kind online tool that makes it easier for mining companies and prospectors to identify high-potential areas for mineral exploration and claim registration.
OGS (Ontario Geological Survey) Focus consolidates geoscience information from various databases into a free, public format that rapidly identifies areas where historical mineral exploration has occurred, where data is available, and where land is open for claim registration.
For the first time, prospectors and miners can overlay multiple sets of data from the Ontario Assessment File Database (OAFD), Ontario Drill Hole Database (ODHD) and Mineral Deposit Inventory (MDI) database. This includes A Data Rating Grid for Open Areas that provides a visual representation of the quantity of available exploration data, and a Data Hot Spots layer that highlights significant contiguous areas with robust data that are available for acquisition.
This unique product has the potential to increase claim acquisition and exploration investment in Ontario. The OGSFocus tool is a state-of-the-art, customer-focused product that will further solidify Ontario's position as a leading global jurisdiction in mineral exploration and production
Tags: Northern Ontario / Government / Minerals / All Articles