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Ontario Prospectors Association (OPA) Plans Major Revitalization to Strengthen Mining Advocacy

Dec 13, 2024

The Ontario Prospectors Association (OPA) recently unveiled a comprehensive plan to revamp its structure and leadership in response to changing demands within the mining and exploration sectors. Since its founding in 1987, the OPA has represented Ontario’s exploration companies, but the landscape has evolved significantly, prompting a reassessment of the organization’s role and capabilities.


Why a Revitalization is Necessary
According to OPA Steering Committee Chairman Bill MacRae, in an era defined by market fluctuations, environmental priorities, and policy shifts, Ontario’s exploration industry is facing new challenges. “A revitalized OPA will be the leading voice for Ontario’s exploration community,” he said. In a public OPA presentation Nov. 12, it emphasized the critical need for a full-time executive director and a restructured board to effectively engage stakeholders and influence policy.

The Economic & Community Impact of Mining
The OPA highlighted the extensive contributions of the mining sector to Ontario’s economy. In 2022, the industry generated approximately CAD 13.5 billion, or 22% of Canada’s mineral production value. Beyond its direct economic contributions, mining also supports nearly 400,000 direct and indirect jobs across Canada, many in remote and Indigenous communities. The sector provides crucial infrastructure like roads, schools, and utilities in rural areas, fostering sustainable communities long after mining operations end.

Economic Spin-Offs & the Importance of a Robust Industry
The ripple effects of a thriving mining sector are vast. From generating government revenue through taxes and royalties to fostering local businesses, the industry helps to stabilize the economy, particularly in remote communities where other employment options may be limited. Furthermore, the sector plays a role in economic diversification, supporting industries like tourism and agriculture and contributing to Canada’s sustainable development goals.

Proposed Changes to OPA’s Structure & Leadership
The OPA’s restructuring plan includes forming a new board, hiring an executive director, and implementing a new organizational infrastructure by early 2025. The estimated annual budget is $400,000, covering operational costs, board meetings, and professional fees, with a 10% contingency fund for unforeseen expenses. Additionally, a one-time restructuring budget of $120,000 has been allocated to support the organization through this transformative phase.

Action Plan & Next Steps
OPA’s revitalization strategy is mapped out in three stages:
1.    Immediate Actions: Engaging with members and appointing a steering committee to develop a restructuring plan.
2.    Current Phase: Finalizing the executive director hire, establishing new board directives, and launching a recruitment drive for directors and committee members.
3.    Early 2025: Completing the restructuring and positioning OPA as the primary advocate for Ontario’s exploration community.

Vision for the Future
OPA’s renewed vision is to serve as a proactive leader for the mining community, focusing on building a sustainable supply chain from exploration to production. The new structure aims to integrate Indigenous community partnerships, influence legislative changes, and foster a new generation of industry professionals.

Get Involved
OPA invites stakeholders to support this transformation by signing up for individual or corporate memberships, volunteering for board or committee roles, and promoting OPA’s mission on social media. For more information on the OPA’s restructuring plan or to join the revitalization effort, visit OntarioProspectors.com or email feedback@ontarioprospectors.com

 To read the Northern Mining Report for 2024, click on this link for your 128 page digital copy. https://issuu.com/canadiantradex/docs/ml_fall_2024

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