Ophir completes magnetic-spectrometric survey at Radis Project in NWQ

"We are excited to have completed the high resolution magnetic and spectrometric survey over the Radis Property," said Shawn Wescott, Company CEO.
"Given the current restrictions due to the wildfires in Quebec, we are fortunate to utilize aerial surveys to continue to advance our geological understanding of the Property. The data will assist in targeting for our fully permitted inaugural drill program to test the confirmed spodumene bearing outcrops (Chou and Navet showings) identified from June prospecting at depth, as well as help target additional prospective areas for follow up evaluation."
Ophir Gold Corp. announced an update on 2023 exploration at the Radis Lithium Property (the "Property"), located in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay, Quebec. The Property is located approximately 70 km east-northeast of Wemindji and proximal to the all-season Billy-Diamond Highway and hydro-power line infrastructure in the region. As discussed below the Company has completed a magnetic and spectrometric survey and review of the preliminary dataset has identified several anomalies for follow up exploration.
The Company is pleased to report that a 1,928-line km heliborne high resolution magnetic and spectrometric survey has now been completed over the entire Radis Property. The survey was completed at a tight line spacing of 50 m, with lines-oriented NW-SE, crossing perpendicular to the regional trend of the Yasinski greenstone belt to maximize signal contrast. Prospectair Geosurveys out of Gatineau, Quebec completed the survey with data interpretation to be performed by Joël Dubé of Dynamic Discovery Geoscience.
The high-resolution magnetic survey will be used to improve geological interpretation and identify primary and secondary geological structures, which may control different mineralization styles on the Property. Preliminary data suggests significant structural complexity including folds and possible faults/shear zones, which may provide favourable zones for dilation and pegmatite emplacement. The spectrometric survey is used to identify radiometric anomalies, often associated with alteration patterns and felsic rocks.
The final dataset, when received, will be evaluated against results from the 1.5 days of prospecting completed in early June 2023, which confirmed lithium mineralization from two outcrops on the Property (see news release dated June 29th, 2023). The data will be utilized to assist in drill targeting of the Chou Showing (2.33% Li2O), and the Navet Showing (1.26% Li20) in addition to identifying targets for follow up mapping and sampling. The Company is pleased to report that it has received permits/authorizations from the relevant ministries to execute an inaugural drill campaign at the Property when conditions allow.
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